Sorry Dimitry, I read your post just now. You are terribly wrong with your statement, for me that is almost a slander of the painter.

Martin, I like your certainty and your conviction
I am not an expert but I eagerly put all my trust into Sergei Shamenkow who put alot of effort into researching the period and all availiable evidence and published several pieces on cossak uniforms. Now it is his opinion that I accepted as a one I agree with. It also needs to be said that in serious ukrainian reconstructor's circles this opinion is also held.
I am a mere mortal of course so I have to choose what to believe with a pinch of salt. If ukrainians, who are serious into their history, have doubts about something they are most proud off - I think its tells something.
Repin indeed did use some items from private collections but i doubt he did a phd type research that you are implying ( I agree that he did his research - its awell known fact)
Based on what you saying regarding every detail in that painting beeing researched and true I am way too curious about what discussion you two guys may have about it.
"Every detail is right and corresponds to originals from the 17th century!" this is not possible from the start - as its a very absolute statement it stops beeing true the moment its made - dont you think

Please dont see it as attack - I am curious about language you use - quite a generalisation. Every detail? (Thank you, Einion)
Like I say I can hardly argue with you at the same level of expertise, based on what I have heard and read so far -I choose to believe that Repin did have rather free go at it.