Anyway, the story of Gogol played in nearly the same time (mid 16th to beginning 17th) and it is the same kind of pipe.
Ah, my friend, but I will still have to disagree. It isn't - if we trust Repin of course. A drawing from 1944 cant be a source we can seriously consider.
Call me a sad soul, but I spent an hour gathering sources. Lets just stick to pipes

I don't know if you ever looked at Repin's painting up close or checked the pipe in the painting, but if you find a picture big enough and zoom, one would need to be blind to not see that the pipe of Sirko in fact .... has a lid
By now I have reviewed 5 ethnic museum collections of Kozak pipes of 17th - 19th century, 2-3 private collections and 2 ukrainian military re-enactors forums discussing the above ( its not an OCD, just dont like being told off) All good sound original ukrainian sources
I have found only 2 real authentic examples of kozak pipes with lids. they are 19th and 18th century. Now, they do look similar to Sirko's pipe. Not as single pipe for 16th - 17th century I saw is found or preserved with a lid. Not even depicted in any historical source (whilst we are at it, Repin per se isn't a historical source. Nor is Gogol' by the way).
I must say I have to leave the door open in case I just haven't found one out there and people who know more are welcome to correct me asap
The conclusion I draw from it - there weren't pipes with lids in that century. The next conclusion I draw from it is that Repin drew 18th century or 19th century pipe - he has seen plenty of them when he did his research - surely.
I really don't like where its going now.... If Repin drew one historically incorrect pipe...oh shi...
What else could be wrong...
Now, I think he just compiled a borsh of all he could with a huge artistic license. It doesn't matter how far and pure one wants to go when making a figure
I truly dont care about the pipe. I just hope that you may one day consider a possibility that this beautiful moving and inspiring picture isnt quite a kosak bible.