WIP Critique Zouave, 1870. 75mm from Ellie Miniatures


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Much better! You are getting there.
I have another suggestion. Shoot a little bit underexposed. This means darker. I did some editing to one of your photos to give you an example on how it might look underexposed. I applied a sharp effect too. Here it is:

Thanx Zeno
I tried a few different exposure settings, too dark and I lost alot of the colour difference between high and low.
Like I said, still some fine tuning with the whole set-up.

Back to the brushes though

Tiny bit of progress after work tonight.
The fez and cuffs are now done. Hightlighted and shaded the same as the pantaloons.
I laid a thin coat of offwhite over the piping and lace work on the jacket, cuffs, vest and pant legs to give a smoother base for the yellow that's to come. This way I don't have to work as hard to get an even covering. Yellows tend to be semiopaque at best and it can be difficult to cover darker colours... I find this trick really helps.

Still fiddling with the camera... I'll get a handle on it soon (I hope :unsure:)

Thanx Ian
I really wish I could get the whole camera thing dialled in so as to give a better impression of the actual colours.
I think once I get through the yellows... the rest will fly along

Best of luck with the yellow mate, it's going to be a stand out piece of work, as Zane asked what sort of ground work are you thinking of? by the way picking the master up for the new drummer in the next day or so, The castings should be ready in about two weeks will post on here.


Best of luck with the yellow mate, it's going to be a stand out piece of work, as Zane asked what sort of ground work are you thinking of? by the way picking the master up for the new drummer in the next day or so, The castings should be ready in about two weeks will post on here.



Drummer??? how is the officer coming along?, sorry for hijacking your thread Colin.

regards Zane
Hi Zane / Colin
the officer is now 99% done it's been the flag that has held things up Chris has had a nightmare with it but the results look great. we are hoping for Euro but don't hold me to it as chris is doing his best to get it done.

The Drummer is somthing we had on order for Euro and is now ready for casting. He's a French Drummer 1870. Colin wanted to know when it would be ready so it was a heads up for that one. I know the officer and the Zaouve do look great together and will make a very nice vinette, full of action.

Sorry Colin for going off track a little I should have sent a PM about the new figure, I hope that info helps you Zane just whatch this space for news on him.

Hi Everybody
I've been reading Zeno's tutorial on how to take good pictures,and i'm just going to try his method out shortly.Taking pictures has always been my nemesis.Here's how i've been doing it which is fairly simple.I've got an old Sony Cybershot dsc p200.I've had it for ages.
Set up- The first thing i do is have the camera on it's side mounted on my mini tripod,saves a lot of cropping later on.
Camera set to P ,flash off,macro on
Set exposure for either -0.7 EV or -o.3EV this depends on the lighting you use.
I throttle the camera back to 3mps
Auto white balance and Auto ISO
P/Quality Fine
I never use optical zoom and definately no digital zoom.
The rest of the settings i have at normal e.g. saturation contrast etc,etc,
I paint under an Aculite daylight lamp,so i use this light for my pictures.I have the camera approx 3 feet away from the figure and have the light beaming down on the camera and not the figure.You can move the light to different positions to suit and then it's all down to trial and error.I always use a matt black cardboard at the back of the figure.
I'm not saying that this is the best way but for me it's got to be simple and the way i take pictures is really simple.
Ps A couple of examples using the method but it can still be a bit of hit and miss

Thanx Guys!
For the base I have a nice little chunk of black oak. I cut a slight compound angle at the top to make a slope. I see this guy attacking slightly uphill. Tentitively (?) I have him on the estate of the Hermitage, just outside Sedan, where a mixed bag of French fought a last stand against Prussian Guard troops.

Brian, thanx for the tips, as you can see, I'm still struggling with the whole pictorating thing :sorry:

Ian, as soon as the drummer is ready... well, you have my address, let me know and send him right along... same deal. Will you post a preview here soon?

Hi Colin

Sounds good what you are going to do with him looking forward to seeing him. yes will pick him up this Sat ( Just got that confirmed so will take some photos and post on here before he goes for casting. yes will let you have him as soon as I get the castings back. he look the same as the art work I sent you so you should be pleased with it.


Great work so far colin,nice work on the reds as well,looking forward to following this,cant help much with the camera issue as I'm still trying to work mine out :eek:(y)


OK. Yellows are done.
Based with Flat Yellow + a touch of Burnt Cadmium Red
Highs- Base + more Flat Yellow + Ice Yellow. More Fl. Yellow and Ice Yellow for a couple of more steps.
Shadows- Base + Burnt Cadmium Red. Three steps of shadow.
DSC00250.jpgDSC00251.jpgDSC00253.jpgDSC00254.jpgDSC00255.jpgDSC00256.jpgDSC00257.jpgDSC00260.jpgDSC00261.jpgThe last two pics I tried to do some post effects...




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hi Colin
Yellow is not an easy colour to work with, but it looks like you got it on this one mate, it's coming together well.it will stand out even more once the white is blocked in. the red are looking good too the shading is looking good and is showing off the cresses well. keep it up mate it's going very well.


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