Thought I'd add this from PF member Viking Bob ....the colours he uses for a Napoleonic blue
The Scale colour is called Deep Blue
The deep blue had a bit of black added for the base, then a bit more black added for the shade. Highlights were from deep blue with some the lighter blue added
These details are from PF member MIKE STEVENS from USA when he is painting the Andrea Miniatures French Hussar bust
Gold lace
Quote " I’ll follow Cartachi’s model on painting the lace.
The lower part of each section will be darker. The upper portion will be lighter.
I’ll use black and Dark Prussian Blue to outline each piece of lace.
Then just start it. Lower left side first, then lower left and same for the top.
The lace on the dolman with be painted over a couple of days, so I’ll use two mixes of paint that are close to each other in the same range. Totally randomised
I’ll actually use a touch of gold metallic on the lace at strategic point to give the illusion of gold thread.
Here’s a picture of the Vallejo Colors I’ll use to paint gold lace" Unquote