Best of luck. Another one that's not the greatest sculpt, but I am sure you will do a great job.
Nice off beat subject, not that female military are unusual just don't see them as modelling subjects very often. I'll be watching with interest.
Cheers Simon
Nice subject, I would like to paint that one. I am really looking forward to seeing
you work on her.
Interesting to see the pictures of Nick's original master there.
Not many medals to paint on this one, just a single ribbon (probably just for turning up! ouch)
Look forward to see how this progresses.
Have you done a Royal Marine yet?
ah,this is the next one, the bust is looking great and this is going to be also another beautiful piece,
have fun with it
Nice start. Can't wait to see more.
Nice triptych of female warriors there, would be good to go as a set but you'll need the Navy to complete the set.
Cheers Simon
The middle ones Navy Air Force !
Cracking on with the Marine today
Looking good Nap. She can't be too young if that's a GCM (15 years undetected crime, I believe, unless it differs for the US)
I do like the blue you use.
Looking good so far Kev going to be quite a collection of Marines by the time she hots the shelves.
Cheers Simon