Recent content by r.kornet


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  1. R

    roman standard bearer

    hi marc thx for the reply but still to do the skincolours whit red and highlight's i do the red when the base color is dry and then highlight it he looks to clean and 1 more photo from the roman ronald
  2. R

    roman standard bearer

    hi i am painting this figure from verlinden its olmost dun this is the first time i painting a roman figure and like it :) i can only post 1 photo at the time ??????? cheers ronald
  3. R

    Winter tanker, Ardennes 1944

    hi gino realy nice figure and great paint job. the trousers and jacket look's like real and the Mig pigments i like them to :) cheers ronald
  4. R

    Greek "Siceliota" Hoplite - Finished Pics

    :o wow beautiful paint job.realy nice figure to can you tell me what collor did you use for the armor the base is beautiful to master \/ peace ;) cheers ronald
  5. R

    101st airborne bar gunner

    hi just finished this figure from warriors, ther whas a lot to clean up. :( but it's a nice figure ;) cheers ronald
  6. R

    Rebel officer pt. 2

    hi wow nice figure can't wait to see it painted. cheers ronald
  7. R

    Finished Prussian Hussa 1870/1871

    hi marc very very nice paint work and nice figure ziet er heel moeilijk uit om te schilderen cheers ronald
  8. R

    Alpine German Infantry Kursk

    hi martin the base locks good nice figure cheers ronald
  9. R

    Polish Winged Hussar, XVIIc -done!

    hi Beautiful and Terrific paint jop you did on the figure.and the ice and base and figure is a good combinations :) cheers ronald
  10. R

    Leon and Mathilda- Leon's face

    hi roc locking good face ;) the black is nice to. cheers ronald
  11. R

    75mm WWII Brit

    hi very nice sculpt Can't wait for more progress.what did you use for it. ronald
  12. R

    44 foot regiment

    hi here a better photo off the front it's the best i can do. ronald. ;)
  13. R

    Red Lancer officer

    hi very nice figure,i like the flesh,did you use oil color for it. ronald
  14. R

    44 foot regiment

    thx guy's i make better photos today in day light ;) cheers ronald
  15. R

    44 foot regiment

    hi this is the first posting on pf and a test for the photo's so sorry if its not good i am painting the nice figure from kirin its not dun yet.. ;) cheers