This world is a cruel place to live. My wife is on facebook but never responds to anything. This is the only place I respond to on the internet.
I still paint miniatures but not as driven as a used to be. I have a pretty good stash of kits and not very motivated with anything new. So I...
Sorry to flip the dials......Visible Man .......50 cents......9 yrs. old.......Tube of glue
and a new bb gun; made short work of my efforts. ..,,,,boys will be boys,,,,
I think it's rubbish to adjust someone's photography to suit your own taste. This is one of the reasons why some people are hesitant to post pictures on PF.......Who cares what other people think, it's a hobby for Gods sake. It's all done for fun....
No Mario.....You said nothing wrong....I miss read your post as saying "looks too big" as opposed to "looks big too me".
I will now put MY optivisors on when reading posts......:)