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  1. RFL

    Help with fantasy colours.

    Very nice work John ! In my experience, the pure iridescent paints tend to be somewhat grainy. Jim uses a combination of acrylic inks and/or Future over flat acrylics to get IMO a good iridescent finish, as on his Alien Pile here...
  2. RFL

    Completed Critique Panzer Meyer 1/35

    Very nice work. The tow cable coming forward off the Tiger is a nice touch.
  3. RFL

    Completed Critique U.S Buffalo soldier

    Bless You for that Ken ;) Having smooth and correct shaped eyes to work with makes life so much more easy for us painter types. Why some sculptors still insist on trying the impossible, and use putty for that remains a small mystery.
  4. RFL

    The Violinist,bust 1/12

    Great concept, I like the idea play of Gun-Violin, but I too would either leave off the SMG or perhaps better sling it over his back, it unbalances the look of the bust where it is...IMHO.
  5. RFL

    Completed Critique U.S Buffalo soldier

    Very Nice Your usual great work Ken, is that glint in the eyes a small piece of convex metal ?
  6. RFL

    Long Island Show Pictures

    L.I. Show Pics Nice seeing you at L.I. Al, and thanks for taking the time to do pics for us.
  7. RFL

    Spanish Admiral (Pegaso Models 1/9 Scale)

    Wonderful start and looks very good as is. Are you puting the complete range of highlights in first over just the base coat ?
  8. RFL

    La Meridiana Lewis and Clark

    Does the kit come with a base that the legs fit into ? It looks to me that both figs have an offset stance. FWIW I`ve found La Meridiana very receptive to fixing problems.
  9. RFL

    Red Lancer Demi Round Bust

    Thanks John ! Lot of great work there. I think the New England Planet Figure guys pulled some golds, as you did for your superb American Indian Blackfoot Bust by Reid. Phil had some fine original sculpts there too. Hope we see the show results at some point as well as pics......
  10. RFL

    Red Lancer Demi Round Bust

    Thank you so much ! These are not really pure Flats, which I cannot paint, but between a flat and a full round figure and are not that hard to do. Here is his web site, where you can see some in the white metal. Fabrice does wonderful 1st. Empire figures, as well as large horse studys and...
  11. RFL

    Red Lancer Demi Round Bust

    Thanks Ken, good of you to comment ! Keith, I think your right, needed to have toned those down a bit, wanted to get this finished for a friend at the L.I. Show so skipped the usual in progress pics used to check on that kind of stuff.... Thank you Marcel, very kind words !
  12. RFL

    News Romeo Models

    Almost There I think I like the Murat. Could be closer to the actual period portrait, certainly needs some re-sculpting of the hair around the forehead and that sharp angle of the right cheek needs to go. The nose & mouth look good. eemmm must think on this.
  13. RFL

    Wedgie question

    I think this may be what Carl refers to above. Ademola 22 200mm resin bust. Very fine sculpt and casting, and super box art paint.
  14. RFL

    Wedgie question

    Hi Al I think it`s a really good idea, but the reception all depends on the execution. By that I mean the placement of the horse and neck, say coming over the right arm of the trooper would work without major changes to the figure IMO. Not to discourage you, but the WW I JMD kits I have are...
  15. RFL

    WIP Son of the Morning Star

    Wow !! I think the horse is very fine Dimitrios, but might be a little better with less harsh highlight/shadows but that is really just a personal call and could well be the lighting photograph. I would like to see a very, very little glaze to the oils when done to reproduce the sheen of...
  16. RFL

    Red Lancer Demi Round Bust

    Thanks very much Carl. Very kind of you Roger ! Thanks for the nice words Jay. Much appreciated on the golds Jason, Thank you.
  17. RFL

    Completed Critique 101st Airborne.

    I honestly think this is one of your best recent works Carl. I just got Bill Rentz`s fine book on U.S. Airborne Uniforms, etc, and your colors of the jump paints & jacket are dead on for the actual late war issues pictured in the book. Same for the jump boots basic colors.
  18. RFL

    For Sale Clearing out some of the stash!

    Some great deals here. That Seil Greek Hoplite had a low production run and is very scarce, and a great sculpt as well.
  19. RFL

    Red Lancer Demi Round Bust

    Officer of the 2nd. ( Red Lancers ) of the Imperial Guard. about 200mm Demi Round flat bust by Fabrice Eisenbach released through Metal Models. Acrylics.
  20. RFL

    Completed Critique Australian Light Horse Trooper

    Tony, this is one of the best works I`ve seen from you, most especially the eyes. I`d like to see a wee bit darker/and or more contrast photo of him with perhaps a darker red-brown or even black background. The bright blue kind of overpowers the subtle painting that you have achieved.