1/16 sculpting


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2004
Behind schedule.... working on this 1/16 fig feverishly!
WSS Panzer Commander '44.
Would go nicely with the new 1/16 PZ IV kit. ;)


Behind schedule o_O!

And all this time I thought you sculpted at your leisure when you felt like it :D!

Looking forward to seeing this guy done up!

Thank you all for the comments!
Let me be honest, guys: I like how this figure is coming along as well. :D
Nice to see that you're using putty and sculpting tools. I'd always thought you use an actual-persons-miniaturisation-machine... ;-)

Although I was ramping down on German figures this one is too nice to pass over!

Will Be newness of Alpine ...... which will be its release date? November? :happy:

I am a huge fan of your 1/16th line.
I currently have your 82nd airborne piece in progress on my desk.

However, if I may ad a small criticism, the pose on this figure appears a bit effeminate with the hand on the hip.
This is just one mans opinion and I hope you will take it as such as I mean no disrespect.

Perhaps you could include an alternate arm that is leaning on something in much the same way you offer alternate heads with your figures.

Just a thought.

As always I will be following every new release in your superb line of miniatures.
Stunning figure Taesung!

Agree with Sgt. Red, a whole crew would be cool.

To me the right arm looks excellent, very natural and well observed.

The Trumpy ausf H has got to be my most anticipated release of the year, and this figure would make it mega cool!

Nice sculpt Mr T (y) another figure for the "Xmas presents for myself" list ;)

Is Trumpeter releasing a 1/16 Pz IV ausf H like they used in Normandy 1944 ? ... good God. You'll need a bucket of putty for the Zimmerit; I hope they have it cast on the model, like Dragon do it in 1/35 ...
Gents, thanks for taking time to leave comments!

AFAIK, this 2 piece panzer uniform can be painted in 4 different colors and materials
because the cut remains identical throughout different versions.

1. Black wool - need to add collar tabs
2. field gray cotton/nylon - need to add collar tabs (depends...)
3. Oak autumn pattern cotton/nylon - as is
4. dot pattern HBT - you might want to shave off the sleeve eagle

The box art will be painted in dot pattern as it is strangely absent in Alpine box arts.
I know... with all them German figures... :rolleyes:

As for the pose of the right arm, it is based on pics of myself in this pose. :facepalm: