1st figure of knight templar


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New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Cairns,far northern australia
Hi Everyone.
i am in the process of building the pegaso mounted knight xiii and am getting close to beginning to paint. I have no experience using metal or the different types of paint associated with it. Before starting to paint, i need to work out wether to paint the red cross on the shield and cloak, or use decals which can be purchased from a hobby store. With plastic models,of which I am used to, the normal procedure would be to paint the model, seal it with a gloss sealer, apply the decals, then reseal with a matt sealer. Does the same apply to metal minutures, or is it normal not to seal the model when it is finished.
(I would have chosen a easier model to start with, but it was a gift from my wife). I feel totally out of my depth, but hopefully most of my painting issues can be answered by reading the threads of other newcommers.
any advise would be really appreciated
Hi Mike, metal should handle any paint like any other material. Sand your imperfections, prime it, then paint away. As for decals, I havent used many decals with figures but I do use the gloss cote on my aircraft. On my spartan hoplite I applied the decal without a cote of anything and it looked fine but you could if you wanted. Hope this helps..

Hello Michael
Welcome to the planet. You would be better to paint your crosses rather than use decals; l gives a more realistic overall effect. If you do not feel confident enough to try this yet you can always use a heraldry stencil/template which can be applied to give you a perfect shape of the cross you need, you just need to paint the shape after with your detail, highlights and shading, they can be obtained from the web site below in the online shop link. Good luck with your painting and please post up your results on here.

Hope this helps
Hi Tommi
Had a look on the link you supplied. The stencils look great so I will order a set. I had never seen anything like them before, as we are pretty much limited up here for supplies or advice. I will definately post pics etc as I progress so I can get feedback on how to improve.
Hello Mike
There is a great wealth of knowledge and inspirational painters on the forum that are only too willing to help guide you in the right direction, good luck with your figure and keep us posted on your progress.
Welcome Michael!

If resources are limited in your part of the world, you'll find that they gang on here are friendly and helpful!

Could you post a pic or two of the kit in the raw? (un-assembled, partially, etc) as that would help us give you some ideas. What plastic models do you build? (This will help with ideas that may cross over)

For metal sanding, I ended up giving a final polish with a some very fine steel wool, the type found in a hardware store, not the kitchen accessory aisle. If you need the grade, I may have to check, but it gives a wonderful base for painting/ priming

What paints do you normally use? Acrylics, Enamels, Oils etc?

As for finishing sealing the model, the end approach is defined by what areas you will do what with.
Its your figure, in your display area, so if you want to paint him up in your favourite team colours, that's ok! :D;)

I am in NW Tassie, so here is where I check in for advice, feedback and tips....I am the president (and sole member) of the Cooee Historical Figure Modeling Society, because there is bugger all in the way of handy references......

Welcome aboard, no question too silly or dumb!
