WIP Critique 320. Volksgrenadier Division, Upper Silesia 1945


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That has to be the worst,..... most aweful,......... "tape wrapped around a toothpick, wrapped around a rifle." I have ever seen posted. Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!! That was a mouthful to say at one time. :facepalm:

Now the paint job is AWESOME!!!! I really like how dark the fieldgrey overcoat is painted. The face colors choice is spot on. :woot:

Please keep sharing more photos!

I think thats what they used later in the war, as steel for bayonets became scarce... The old "sharpened stake duct taped to the rifle" trick. It's a little known fact is what that is :smug:

All kidding aside, you're off to a great start on this fig... look forward to more progress on this fig. BTW, what scale is this? 90mm or larger?

Welcome again Marcin. Your capabilities are intact. Nicely done!

Hello Marcin, I'm also working on this figure, and don't blame you for using tape on the barrel portion of the Gew 43 automatic rifle, it is very fragile. I unfortunately dropped the arm holding the weapon and broke off the barrel on mine. Hope I can fix it. Your off to a great start with this figure. I like the camo pattern and the color of the overcoat. This figure has a great texture molded on the coat, and you have brought this out with your painting. Also, the canvas webbing straps are extremely well done. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this one, best of luck with it. Regards, SG:happy:
Thanks a lot for commenting!
Guys, tape wrapped around a toothpick and wrapped around a rifle is well known Hitler's secret weapon :)

Colin -> The figure is 1/16, Alpine Miniatures. Sculpting is amazing, highly recommend!

Ron NL-S ->
primed: b:924+830+821 / h:base+821/ s: 830+821+950
brown: 950+871+984/ h: base+871/ s: more 950
green: 975+921+815+899/ h: base+ 815/ s:975+921+899

base: 830+950+899+821 / h: base+815 / s: more 950

all paints form Vallejo

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