WIP Critique 33rd Sergeant


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He is developing really well, great to see how you have worked him up from the base mapping. Very clever.

Absolutely agree there ...fascinating and very interesting to follow

Here’s the lace details below ....should be fairly easy in this scale ...fingers crossed

Thanks for the updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime


Thanks, the kit actually has recesses for the red trim so it should be ok, although the question is whether I have to texture it?!

Really nice, he's coming together beautifully, really like what you have done with the nose and chin. The forehead looks OK to me, what headdress does he have, any peak will cast a shadow so I'd try dry fitting that to see what you think with it in place.

Cheers Simon

Thanks, he has a sharp on so I’ll have a play once it’s in place, I think the brim will probably do the shadow by itself, although I’ll need to darken the deeper recesses.

I’ve started work on the body, I’m fairly happy with the cross belts although I think I now need to start highlighting and shadowing a bit and toning down the ‘creases’. I’ve made my first attempt at non metallic metal on the plate. Honestly not sure I like it, weirdly it looks ok in the pic but worse in person. I think it might need a second highlight on the right of the plate, possibly a glaze of a deeper yellow. I’ve got highlights and shadows on the coat, I think I’m going to do the lace and the other straps and then use stippling to texture the wool.

Thoughts welcome as always.

Ed: update with new pic

Hi Stefan

Your really moving on this , good start on the red ,possibly push both shadows and highs I agree regarding the belts

As for the NMM , I’d push the highs as you say to the right a bit more , it looks not bad in the picture as you say but you need to be happy , so metallics could be preferable

Looking forward to the lace and the stippling for wool effect ......liking that thinking

Have fun with the lace at least it’s a fairly simple one to do

Happy benchtime

Oh yeah those cross belts are the business and the texturing sounds interesting. As far as the NMM is concerned it does look good in the picture, not sure how to go forward with this, maybe add some darker tones gently blended in at the bottom and smooth the transitions before you give in.

Cheers Simon
Coming along nice. The white cross-belts look great. I always struggle with belts, they are my least-favourite part of any figure.

- Steve
Thanks chaps. What's the concensus on raised braid details like this? They are really thick (this has clearly been scaled up from a 3d file designed to work at 75mm as well) and I feel like I should paint the sides but I'm not sure whether they should be highlighted/shadowed as one would a real detail or painted in the base colour to draw attention away from their thickness.

I feel like I'm making rapid progress but there's a huge amount to do on this figure.
Thanks chaps. What's the concensus on raised braid details like this? They are really thick (this has clearly been scaled up from a 3d file designed to work at 75mm as well) and I feel like I should paint the sides but I'm not sure whether they should be highlighted/shadowed as one would a real detail or painted in the base colour to draw attention away from their thickness.

I feel like I'm making rapid progress but there's a huge amount to do on this figure.

Scaling up prints always leads to problems with the thick edges where there should be an undercut, scaling a file up or down is not the universal solution claimed by the stl sellers.
With your belts the best solution would be to paint the lower edges where it touches the red in a black or very, very dark brown as a shade void and put a reflective highlight on the bottom of the white edge in a trompe l'oeil technique. Make it look as if the strap is raised off the surface slightly.

Someone like a Bill Horan would probably have trimmed the strap back a few mm and replaced the edges with styrene and putty and created the undercut themselves. The rest of us, being mere mortals, try and make do with a paint effect.;)
Thanks, I like the paint option, I was wondering about something along those lines but wasn't sure how to achieve it so thanks for outlining the process.

I do think that next time I'll scrape back the lace. For the belts it's not such an issue, although undercutting might work well. The lace is a little crazy, it's thicker in places than the real thing.
I can only agree with what Rob suggested as a solution never encountered this issue before as my current project is my first 3D print apart from a space ship a few years back. Will be nice to see how you deal with this, good luck.

Cheers Simon
Managed some more today. I’m going to leave the knapsack straps looking smarter than the cross belts I think, might add a little texture. I enjoyed doing the leather belt, I’m tempted to add a little acrylic ink to tint it slightly and also give it a satin sheen. The lace is challenging; I feel like I could go back and forth tidying it up for ages and they still look a bit ‘chewing gummy’. I think I’ll have one more go at cleaning them up using a magnifier and then add some texture. After that I should probably think about tackling the rucksack and blanket.

As for the NMM - I think it sort of works now, although I did just realise I have to do the pricker chain and buttons in the same style, none of which will be simple. I should probably have picked something easier for my first try.

Hi Stefan

That's good time at the bench , interesting about the texture ...are you using any paste or just paint effects ?

Liking the crossbelts , good idea ref the backpack straps

As for the lace .....red details on white lace ...not the best combination, your right you could keep going backwards and forwards ...done that many times with medal ribbons

Think I would basecoat the lace in a stone gray then put the red in , then highlight around

With the pics being large the work you've done is highlighted so any not as neat shows , sure in real Scale it's looking better !

You should be happy with the oval plate , as for buttons etc .....good definition on numbers will help

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun , I am enjoying this from your bench

Looking good, I agree with Nap doing the lace with gray the the red the highlights only with white, it will show up nicely.

Cheers Simon
Another update, I tried adding the texture on the lace and glazed some highlights, I think it works but I need another layer of glaze in places. I used a ‘wood’ ink on the leather strap which had tinted it slightly and added a nice sheen. I also added some highlights in white, I haven’t used white before this point, it’s all ‘ivory’ or ‘cream’, I think it really makes a difference on the plate. I added some shading in the shoulder straps which I can tidy up later. I think the picker and chain look ok, I need to think a bit about the buttons. Overall though I think I could leave the front as it is now bar a couple of tweaks and be content.

I’m going to work on the blanket and knapsack next, nothing complicated although I’ll probably try to texture the blanket too.

Hi Stefan

That's a good update , lace works for me , the plate itself looks good and I wouldn't do much , if any more on it

Have a think about the buttons ...perhaps more definition/ highs

There's some white marks on the strap next to the plate and a tiny bit of tidy up around the lace

The difference in the various straps works well

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Wow, the lace is pretty damn good mate, love the texture you put in, like you say a bit of a tidy up and jobs a good un. He going to look ace with the head on.

Cheers Simon
That's coming on a treat. Like what you did on the lace. Don't forget the buttons are pewter so shouldn't be too shiny.
It doesn't look too bad to be fair, maybe just glaze over the highlights of the texture to bring it together and mute it a bit. You're a braver man than me because I wouldn't even contemplate such a bold move. Keep at it, it'll come good in the end.

Cheers Simon
It doesn't look too bad to be fair, maybe just glaze over the highlights of the texture to bring it together and mute it a bit. You're a braver man than me because I wouldn't even contemplate such a bold move. Keep at it, it'll come good in the end.

Cheers Simon

I agree , glazing will work , you'll definatly sort this

My thought would be to texture during prep using a paste and before priming ?

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime


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