A Fixture
Almost done with these chaps, hair and gaiters left to do..

Hi Daniel
What's not to like ......nice paint up , liking the muskets wood effects and the pouches details
Thanks for sharing the updates
Looking forward to seeing more and what's next marching onto the bench
Happy benchtime
Daniel , Daniel , Daniel ... good I said it 3 times !
....what am I going to do with you ! ........JUST AWESOME MY FRIEND
Love looking at these guys ...the Regiments are looking great
....get the Officer on the end of kneeling line to buy another spear ...his fighting has bent it a bit
Following the drummers
Happy benchtime
PS any chance of a separate thread of various views of all the battlefields in full blown action ?
Hi Daniel
Nicely painted and very neatly done on the lace base
Look forward to seeing the lace
Happy benchtime
Hi Daniel
I'm fast running out of words ! .........wonderful detail painting on the pattern , think I'm going to get the colours you use as well
How long did it take you to do one Figure like these drummers ?
Can't wait to see the drums
Happy benchtime