Hey my friend, thanks for passing by, i hope all is well with you and your loved ones.
Thanks Daniel, yes and loads of painting.
Keep safe!
Great work Daniel
Those frock coats have been painted to perfection Mate
Be safe
Hi Daniel
That horse looks really good start ...soon be making his way across the battleground
Nice putty work as well
Thanks for sharing
Great work on the horse and rider Daniel
This will be a real beauty when you work your magic on them.
I hope that you are all ok in these sad times
All the very best,
Thanka my friend, i hope and you and your loved ones are doing well.
Stay safe.
We are fine Danial thank you.
I must say we are super safe.......the closest house to us is one km and only 13 have died in the whole of the county.
Cheers and happy 4th of July Mate
Hi Daniel
Just looks brilliant ...lovely detailed painting
Hi Daniel
Looking great , wonderful to see the amount of detail you get onto the figures .
Nice collection of nails as well ...lol
Happy benchtime
Stay safe