OhMa'Gosh, G.geek if you ain't the beez kneeze. . .
Hi Mark:
Aw maing, hokay. . . thanks for taking the time to post a comment, here.
I do so appreciate your kind remarks, GG. And as to your question about:
What is next? Yes, indeedy, mate. . . it will be sumpin' a lot easier. Either
that or I'm gonna buy a big interest in the Absolute Swedish Vodka Company.
Whoa, Nellie. But seriously, Mark. . . I 'm working now on a casting from
a horror and ghoulish company, Model Mansion, I bought on line. A resin
casting about 8 inches tall called "Graveyard Reunion". I think it will be a
lot of fun to paint that putrified flesh of the "mother" that the lonesome son
dug up from her graveyard plot. Yeh, I know, it sounds rather bad to put it
mildly. But hey, sometimes it fits my mood, if you get my drift???
So kind of you to chip in here, Mark. And my best regards and best wishes
to you, my friend,
Ricardo Jayhawker