I've been painting this model over the last few days. It's a resin print in roughly a 75mm scale.
Painting orange has been quite a challenge.
I think I'll made the cape blue, but I'll have to see how saturated and bright I can go without making the model a carnival mess.
Looks tremendous so far. I agree, sometimes it can be difficult to make a piece colourful without venturing into "gaudy" territory. But if the standard of your work so far is anything to go by, I'm sure you'll pull it off.
Thanks a lot, DaddyO and Steve! Today I tried a bit of light on the cape and started making the leather bits more leather-y, but i only had a little time to mess around with the mini today.
Well, i'm calling it done. I used this piece to focus a bit more on getting enough contrast for the skin, I had a lot of fun and it's time to move on to something else.
Here are some picts of the finished piece: