Don't worry too much about our patience, thank you for sharing it with us. This is almost like the Batman TV series. Stay tuned kids....same Bat time, same Bat channel....... :lol: . Seriously though, it just keeps looking better and better with each step.
Wow!;thanks,this is the breast area,with the wrinkles of the sergeant`s band are painted,the original is flat;and the cross belt plate without metal;only with ochres and semi gloss varnish.Jose.
It's beautiful Jose ! Your sharp, precise painting style does justice to this beautiful figure, and I like the muted colours ... can't wait to see you tackle the kilt - Cameron of Erracht, not an easy one :lol: . And indeed your fleshtones are very good !
I'm glad that this figure, and the 5 others from the DF Grieve "Waterloo" series are still available ... they truly are among the great classic figures, on the same level as Poste Militaire etc., and Debra does a good job having them cast in resin. My personal favourite is still the infantryman of the 28th foot, loading his Brown Bess musket - one of David's best sculptures.
Johan;have you some pictures of those figures?Here in Spain is difficult to obtain the Debra Raymond`s kits.This one was send to me from "De Tara";a firm managed by the charming Daphne,I hope that they have the full range.Jose.
Why don't you send her an e-mail for more info, I'm sure she will personally reply to all your questions re. the DF Grieve figures : [email protected]
Here's an image of the infantryman of the light company, 1st batallion, 28th (North Gloucestershire) regt. of foot, painted by Debra, which you can also see on her website.