A poor alternative to Cold Beer on hot days


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A Fixture
Mar 11, 2012
Bourganeuf, France

Hi Guys,In a half-hearted effort to slow down on the consumption of cold beer in these salade days I was perusing through bits that I had done and would like to do……dangerous passtime I know. My primary observation was the poor or avoided hands on many of my figures. So time to focus on the hands first rather than last. After a few thoughts I settled on a project where the hands would be of paramount importance. This is the result of pushing the putty around for a few hours, still a lot to do but I hope that you can see where this is heading. If you can guess the final piece please let me know (No prizes as yet though).
Comments and especially advice always welcome.
All the very best to one and all,

Hmmmmmmm..........scale please
Hi Del ,
I did not really make it to a scale, they just evolved, but on measuring it this is 1:4 approximately. It's made from standard Milliput, plasticard sheet and rod. there is a lot more carving and sanding than I would normally hope to do but it's getting there......slowly.
Thanks for looking in Del
Keith you seem to be doing two hands holding a pad and pen.
Do I get a major prize for this?

Hi Don,
I am pleased that you could see the hands, pen and pad Mate......but where might it go from here?
So, sorry but no cigar...........yet. I am now woking on the body and head, will post at the next logical point,
Good to hear from you Mate and hope all is well with you.
Moïse taking note of the Tables of The Law
:happy: We had bust, now we have hands, next we will have feet ( with / without shoes ) state your preference:happy:
Moïse taking note of the Tables of The Law
:happy: We had bust, now we have hands, next we will have feet ( with / without shoes ) state your preference:happy:

Hi Michel,
I think feet with beach shoes on and just trying to part the waves:angelic:
Sadly not Moise but I can see why you are thinking that.
Many thanks for looking in, good to hear from you.
Hi Tony and Adrian,
Thank you for looking in Guys, I wish that my mind was as inventive as yours.
I fear that this will be one huge collective groan of disapointment once you all know who it is.
All the very best,
The late Philip Madoc as the U Boat Captain (Dads Army)

German U-boat Captain: I am making notes, Captain, and your name will go on the list; and when we win the war you will be brought to account.Captain Mainwaring: You can write what you like, You're not going to win the war!U-boat Captain: Oh yes we are.Mainwaring: Oh no you're not.U-boat Captain: Oh yes we are!Pvt. Pike: [Singing] Whistle while you work, Hitler is a twerp, he's half-barmy, so's his army, whistle while you work!U-boat Captain: Your name will also go on the list! What is it?Mainwaring: Don't tell him Pike!U-boat Captain: Pike!
Nice script Del, Dads army still holds its own against most current comedy shows.
You must have searched for hours to get that shot. Good on you Mate.
Somewhere in my head is a plan to do the WW1 Blackadder pompous General Melchett, Plans and proposals are great and some actually come to fruition.
Here is a feeble attempt at a cryptic clue for seven year olds…….
It was a butler in this crime Ian.

That must give it away!!
Easy to find the photo Keith. The image of the Captain writing down the names is one of the iconic images from the series.
Still watch it at every opportunity, it's the clever writing and the characters that give it longevity...... a mixed bunch with every foible and prejudice that is in the British character but when you get right down to it they were ready to stand in front of the tanks.
Easy to find the photo Keith. The image of the Captain writing down the names is one of the iconic images from the series.
Still watch it at every opportunity, it's the clever writing and the characters that give it longevity...... a mixed bunch with every foible and prejudice that is in the British character but when you get right down to it they were ready to stand in front of the tanks.

A great appraisal of the show Del.
No matter how many times I have seen them I just have to watch it yet again and usually pick up on something I had missed before.
All the very best,

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