A Question on sculpting.


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Hi Pf members, just chasing some advice on trying to get a reasonably smooth surface when sculpting. I've been playing around with greenstuff for a 120mm head and have found it a challenge to get it smooth after its dried. What's a good way around to approach this.

Get it smooth before drying, or use something else! ;) The rubbery texture of cured greenstuff isn't fantastic for sanding or scraping. Mixing in a little milliput helps in that regard, but if you've had problems with that, the finer texture of magic sculp or apoxie sculpt might be better.

And yup, clay shapers are useful for putting a final polish on the surface.

On the topic of sensitivity... I always think of Nick Bibby. One of the best fantasy gaming miniature sculptors of the eighties; had to stop because he became allergic to the putty. It doesn't seem to have held him back much, though.

It's something that troubles me, knowing that the seemingly innocuous medium might be a kind of a time bomb; though I find even thin gloves are something of a distraction. Does it sound too shortsighted to say that I'd rather get used to gloves when I need to?

What about barrier cream? Is that much use in this situation?
"Does it sound too shortsighted to say that I'd rather get used to gloves when I need to?
What about barrier cream? Is that much use in this situation?"

I hear what you're saying and will try to give the best answers I can. If you have more questions, or need to discuss this privately, PM me.

First question. Are you saying you'd rather wait until you get the initial symptoms of dermatitis or irritated eyes before wearing gloves? It's your bod and your choice, but I recommend looking up "What is sensitization dermatitis?" on Google before you make a decision.

I can speak from personal experience (Stupid personal experience because I know better!) and I wouldn't choose that. I was working with my usual mix of Kneadatite and Magicsculpt with gloves on, fan on, etc. My eye itched or something and before I could stop myself I put my gloved fingers in my eyes. I quickly got up, disposed of my gloves, washed my eyes thoroughly with running water, but it was too late. An ER visit and two MD office visits with multiple medicines kept it to a minimum, but I still had red, swollen eyes with small pustules. About two weeks later, I was OK, but I laid off using putty for two full months just to make sure.​

Second question. Barrier cream would provide a little protection but how would you handle the parts and sculpt? No offense intended.

Thin tight fitting nitrile rubber gloves, general ventilation if not local exhaust ventilation (something like a paint spray booth), an industrial respirator would help but there are fitting issues and wear and tear and cartridge replacement to deal with. Anytime you sand putty do it with wet sandpaper to reduce airborne dust. Simple precautions.

All the best,
Hi Guys

Jst stumbled on this thread ..some great points raised here ..particularly about using saliva ....going to stop doing that for sure .

I use Vaseline to smooth things out and Royal Sovereign shapers ( black, gray and white ) ., tried the China ones as well ...... they were rubbish !

Going to try the Kneadite and that hair stuff sounds interesting ...(is there a UK equivalent) does it work on your hands ..lol

..cheers Dan


image.jpeg ...sorry couldn't resist ...
A UK equivalent to Vitalis? uh...how about Vitalis? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitalis-Hair-Tonic-V7-207/dp/B000TG62P2 o_O:)

But a mix of methanol or isopropanol and olive or canola oil should work about as well. Proportions? Just guessing but 30/70 or 40/60? Vitalis is about the same viscosity (relative thickness or thinness) of water.

All the best,
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A UK equivalent to Vitalis? uh...how about Vitalis? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitalis-Hair-Tonic-V7-207/dp/B000TG62P2 o_O:)

But a mix of methanol or isopropanol and olive or canola oil should work about as well. Proportions? Just guessing but 30/70 or 40/60? Vitalis is about the same viscosity (relative thickness or thinness) of water.

All the best,
Hi Dan,
I've decided I'd give a mix of isopropyl and glycerin a go seems to be ok, and also wearing gloves, thanks again.
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Hi Guys

Jst stumbled on this thread ..some great points raised here ..particularly about using saliva ....going to stop doing that for sure .

I use Vaseline to smooth things out and Royal Sovereign shapers ( black, gray and white ) ., tried the China ones as well ...... they were rubbish !

Going to try the Kneadite and that hair stuff sounds interesting ...(is there a UK equivalent) does it work on your hands ..lol

..cheers Dan


View attachment 263171 ...sorry couldn't resist ...View attachment 263172
I couldn't find the stuff that Dan had mentioned so this was the next best thing....

So here's an update to the sculpt....

Really looking like bear skin hair now. :D

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