A True Figure Painter!?


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Thanks Guys
I always considered an airbrush as just another tool. Initially I started out just roughing in base colors, then I started adding shawdows and highlights until finally I was looking at a piece and couldn't think how I could improve it anymore with oils.

For those who might be curious, the trick is a good compressor with an air regulator. I stripped my Badger 150 so I can manipulate the needle from the end as well as the trigger. I use super thin paint and spray at about .5 psi (the needle on my guage never leaves 0), it's time consuming because you have to do multiple passes to get the colors showing. I once signed a check to show some friends how fine a line you can get this way!

As for my former student , no worries. When you have been to SCHAAMS and MFCA and other shows you quickly learn who the true figure painters are, and I'm glad to see some of them here at Planet Figure. If he ever gets to a show or online here he'll find that out as well!
Thanks very much guys!
Mark :)
Hey Mark,my compliments on your being able to use an airbrush to paint 54mm figures;now that's SKILLFUL :eek: (y) ! As for your "student",tell him to post his work here and let the rest of the "planet" community be the judge as to whether or not he has surpassed his teacher and become a true figure painter.BTW,your bust ROCKS ! Cheers.
Kenneth :lol:
Hmmm........didn't you told me a while back that you use the grasshopper's () as airbrush ? :)

I was talking about the antennae, Vince, the RIGHT antennae.:eek:

Everybody knows that the right antennae of the Mekong delta grasshopper makes a fine 0.25 replacement nozzle for the Badger. Doesn't work with Paasche, though. :(


I think you are all missing the point. The measure of the true master is not to actually apply any paint but to make it appear as if paint has been applied to the areas where the normal application of paint would alter the hue of a particular surface in relation to surrounding areas where also no paint has been applied ie to acheive that "just out of the plastic bag effect". Skin tones may seem a tad pale at this stage but the true master will convince the viewer that the effect is in the eye of the beholder a la "emperors clothes effect". I have personnally had several kits raised to Gold standard after explaining this technique to the judges. (I should also point out that I am king modeller at the local Kindergarten Comp every year....)

Judge: Is that a gluemark?
Me: No that actually represents sweat in that scale.

Judge: Is that a mould line?
Me: In fact the figure represents a historical fastidious person who has ironed his uniform.
Judge: But thats a suit of Armour.
Me:still a suit though....

Now where are those pesky grasshoppers..
True master Sharpie at work. :lol:



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Originally posted by sharpie95@Sep 29 2004, 05:39 PM

Now where are those pesky grasshoppers..

Quang is planning to lauch the whole line of grasshoppers next year exclusively available in his on-line store. The trouble is he still have very limited stock and afraid the demand will be overwhelming. Heard he is very busy lately training the little creatures to perform single-action and double-action. :)))


Oh Qunag, is that " true master" looks familiar, thought I saw his face somewhere in the shows:))))

I've never laughed so hard in my life as I have reading this thread from start to finish ! Anyone familiar with the Monty Python crew will recognize shades of the "Three Yorkshiremen" sketch in this ongoing conversation. "Grasshopper antennae? - you were lucky! We used a nose hair from dead mole...!"

"And you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you !"

Thanks for the laughs,

This is great, but you're all missing the point...
Isn't art supposed to be a personal reflection on something?

I use my eyelashes (so i look a little funny without them..but they grow back....right?) for each bristle, and tie em together with a strand of that hair from the back of my neck....
Everyone always asks how i get my reds so rich....nothing like a little pint or two of me in the mix...i have heard that painting using your toes is the standard now

Seriously, moving along...i for one and more impressed with the ability to get the same kind of effect with an airbrush as i've seen with a normal brush...i just can't believe it...or maybe i'm just a really really sloppy airbrusher..

Keep it up, and tell him it's about time to pull his head out of his *** and start worrying about more important things....like why that beautiful soldiers airborne fig is $100...


(PS, Brian, are you going to make it to Exeter/Ajax the end of this month? )
Alex McC.,

I'm planning on making the trek to the wilds of Ajax for the show - I hope I'll be able to meet you in person.

BTW I'll be the guy with the coughing problem, since I strip the cilia hairs from my bronchial passages for my brushes - I find the finer hairs give me more control and it goes along with my philosophy of really internalizing my hobby. :lol:


Originally posted by Alex M.@Sep 30 2004, 01:14 PM
...i for one and more impressed with the ability to get the same kind of effect with an airbrush as i've seen with a normal brush...i just can't believe it...or maybe i'm just a really really sloppy airbrusher..


May be you should consider trying this new line of "Air"brush from Nike! Works exactly like "normal" brush, comes with the hose to connect to your Nike shoes for Air. Will hit the stores before Christmas.


They work well.(y)

The sole problem is that I get runs on my paints. Definitively need some vigorous jogging before use.

Ever tried Reebok?

Originally posted by quang@Sep 30 2004, 02:29 PM

The sole problem is that I get runs on my paints.
That's good for the heart and we will never be lack of exercise:))))))
You guys have way too much free time :lol:

Cousin Vinnie: I thought that guy in Quang's "judge/true master" picture looked familiar. Doesn't he reside near you?
Originally posted by Pete_H@Sep 30 2004, 03:24 PM
You guys have way too much free time :lol:

Cousin Vinnie: I thought that guy in Quang's "judge/true master" picture looked familiar. Doesn't he reside near you?
Hi Pete,

Free time....... that's because we're not as luck as you......Lucky bastard, got so many beautiful chicks in your class:)))

Ese individuo debe estar en la otra cara de la frontera. Es él parece
"Der Dictakor"?

Cousin Vinnie,
YYYYYYYYYYYYYESSSSSS!!!!! You are absolutely right!!! Holy crap, I can't believe I didn't see that one. Lucky me? Nope, I don't teach at San Diego State anymore.

So, where can I score a set of those new Nike Air brushes?
I have some air forces...are those only for aircraft though? i always wondered what the rules for that was...

Ah well...Brian..i met you last year at the show..i had the german figs...
(See what all the damn resins and paints and thinners do to our memories)..strange how one can remember the exact colour of the 1944 issued uniforms built in a particular factory of the ruhr valley ;)

Well now......it seems since you have all confessed to cheating and taking shortcuts I suppose next thing you'll all be saying is how much easier it is to paint with the lights on! What rubbish! Since I discovered that painting through some ex Soviet (1980's) Night vision goggles (best $26 I've spent)) gives my figures a deeper and more lifelike green I have been sweeping the prizes in the little supported " Low Light level" category all over the country ( I am in fact the current Master Modeller of the lower Caucasus -evening category). Judging is by touch, therefore eliminating the petty quibbling seen in your "Euro" style bitchy fest ie "oooh isn't his Scarlet a bit too deep..." " is that Burnt or Raw Umber on that outhouse door.."
Yes gents painting in the absence of light will enable you to rise above the so called "artists". I am currently working on a vignette entitled "Moonlight raid in Berlin - without the moonlight" which is coming along great..I think..

( You can all guess what a photo would look like but for all those who can't, close your eyes ..........good isn't it?)
painting in the absence of light will enable you to rise above the so called "artists".

I agree with you Sharpie (y). My brother Ray used to tell me so just before he went back to Georgia (in his mind).

Now that I've removed the bulb of my Actulite, my colours look more er... intense. And I'm also proud to say I've done a little something to alleviate the global warming!

Speaking of goggles, have you tried the X-RAY VISION spectacles? I use 'em all the time when I sculpt. Helps me keep track of that wire armature underneath the putty. (y)


Q. (y)


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Free time....... that's because we're not as luck as you......Lucky bastard, got so many beautiful chicks in your class:)))

Yeah, Peetey is the most popular teacher all right...getting invited to online SIM's parties! LOL :lol::lol: