Originally posted by vince wai@Oct 1 2004, 03:01 PM
Lou and Petey,
Thanks. Yes, yes, the eyes are from Archer decals. Special thanks to guys in Archer who had sent some over for me to try it out first. Heard they use the same liquid glue stuff as Band-aid but with a special formula which made it completely invisible. These decals are just amazing, it comes with black pupils which will be invisible even in very dim light but visible in complete darkness.
I have to say it's getting embarassing as I thought I had accidentally post an image without the invisible man BUT it's not. The little guy was there, problem is now you guys see it and I don't, got to be my best work ever!!! Ooops, major problem here, I had just knocked the model over ......my god.........it fell onto the floor and I had stepped on it and broke it to pieces:-((((((((