I'm a true figure painter and used only dried skin shavings to approximate reality!!
The figure is scale weight, and I had to drain the ink out of several invisible markers along with small amounts of squid ink to get the right shadows.
I'm worried the dog ate it... You can see how much trouble she's in below.
Vince, I was trying to find the SBS you did on the invisible man figure but could'nt see it on the Alpha Image website (unashamed plug for the website there..).I must say I do admire your perseverance in completing the Kit. When mine arrived the box was empty . I now realise it probably wasn't and shouldn't have thrown it away. I will now scour ebay for a similar figure.....
Originally posted by Pete_H@Oct 1 2004, 04:20 PM Bob,
Dude, effective camo painting requires that the piece be invisible to the naked eye. I'll bring my version of it to Chicago for you to see, you'll like it