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A Fixture
Apr 11, 2004
Acmodels announces two new resin kits with a WW1 theme.
First an Anzac Horseman 1917 cast in grey resin 90mm ACM9003
secondly a trench Anzac,Western Front ,also cast in grey resin,90mm ACM9002


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Hi Any,

Congratulations on two very fine releases.

As I've said to you before, both subjects are superb.

I particularly like the Lighthorseman.

A question regarding the Western Front ANZAC; is he an Australian, a Kiwi or a generic British/ Commonwealth soldier? The reason I ask is I can't see any Rising Sun badges on his collar or colour patches on his shoulder.

Either way, I really like him and will buy one as soon as I can. Will you be selling these in Australia through Empire Hobbies?
Have sent an email to empirehobbies on these releases so Ian will be aware of the releases soon.the Trench Anzac could be any Commonwealth or British Infantryman of the time.
The horseman is really nice.

I remember you once posted a in-progress pic of a Swiss halberdier. Is there a chance that this guy will be released some time. I would really love to see this one.

last time something got waved under my nose, it was a free beer, after signing these apprenticeship papers, thank you. When I woke up, I was in blue coveralls, chained to the side of a printing press, and forced to print woman's magazines, kids colouring books, and novels.....took me years to escape.

Im worried that if you do that, I'll wake up a figure hobbyist of some kind, and goodness knows what happens then. Oh well, since I broke up with Miranda Kerr, at least she found that Elfy Pirate bloke, Legless Turner Bloom.

Looking forward to catching up sometime, career moves allowing.

If you need a hand for the Melb expo, let me know, I should be in town by then!


Looking at the cuffs on the sleeves of the trench sentry I would think New Zealand rather than Australian. The Australian tunic had a buttoned cuff quite unlike the open cuff shown which was worn by the New Zealanders. The Canadians, New Zealanders and the British wore almost identical tunics while the Australians wore one of a quite different design. Also, unless I am mistaken, the Australian Light Horse wore leather leggings rather than puttees

Very nice figures indeed. Very nicely posed. Well done on giving us Anzac figures.

Bell ringer ANZAC..

moring all...
Thanks to Andy I was given a pre season edition of the wee bell ringer, he is a lovely figure, a very differant concept done well, Im sure any purchaser will not be disapointed.....

Chris hello...mate hope Im not upsetting the apple cart here...the button cuff on the Australian battle dress was not all ways so,.refit jackets on the western front both local and those produced here in Aust..often went out with out the button cuff, if I had the skill I could post photos but yes he could be a Aust. if one wanted

dont let a wee thing like a cuff put one off, get hold of him his good..Phil...
Thanks for that information. Much appreciated. I haven't seen tunics without the button cuffs except for officers jackets.


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