Antonio...this is wonderful...a beauty! Great sculpt and idea...I will put this out to you- perhaps as a possibiity...the dog might look better if you end his neck with a V-shape rather than just a flat cut helps to indicate that there is more to the dog in the viewer's mind's eye. Just a thought...anything with a dog is aces with me!
Thanks Adrian, Rene, Gordy an Phil for the coments folks,
I found this life size figure in the research, isnt it cool? a real stuffed dog was used!
I need your point of view on this new composition, I have change the hand-arm position just for volume check, before it looked like he was strangling the dog, what you think, works beter?
Phil is this V-shape on the dog what you mean?
does anyone know which breed is this dog?
thanks mates
Antonio, this dog looks like a Spaniel of some sort.
The V shape I mentioned is just a continuation of the pooches neck and breast ruff, tapering down to a pointy (or semi-pointy) bottom, rather than a sharp flat bottom.