After a two year layoff


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 21, 2008
Chesterfield. Derbyshire. UK
Having moved house in October 2015 I had neither the energy or enthusiasm to paint until a couple of months ago.

I haven't posted any work on PF for a few years as my painting is old fashioned by modern standards but decided to try out the new Light Box recommended by Peedee. The larger scale seems to come out the best but that is probably down to the photographer.

The Models are,

Drummer 22nd Dragoon Regt by Bonapartes 90mm
Prussian Officer 1903 by Hecker and Goros 51mm
Scots Grey 1825 by United Empire Miniatures 54mm


No idea why the pictures are on their side-they were upright when they started..

.LOL image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg P4070005.JPG P4070007.JPG
Hi Keith.
Old fashioned or not...
Looking at these 3 pieces,I would say your work compares with anything today(I really mean that).
I especially like the paintwork on the horse.
We don't have to be masters to produce work like this and I will look forward to seeing more of your painting.
All the best.
Very nice work and IMO there is nothing wrong with your painting style at all! Painting figures is for our own enjoyment and styles come and go and are as relevant as the fashion world is to everyday clothing, that is, not at all. Oils came and went in favor of acrylics and what I'd call the Spanish/Italian style and now we see oils on the rise again. And so it is with favorite eras, shows have less Napoleonics as there used to be years ago. I've somewhat mastered oils and have sticked to using them for over forty years, so please continue the great work. As Sting sings: "Be yourself, no matter where you are."

Keith, you always dengrate your own painting, which is a shame because you have mastered your own technique.
That is obvious by how you have portrayed the figures beautifully and I love them all mate....but the drummer is my favourite, it will stand nicely next to a certain yellow coated light Infantry Tambour maitre !.


See you tomorrow.

Thanks for the kind comments guys-I was actually quite reluctant to post as my style has really stuck in a groove for the last 10 years since I retired and came back to the hobby. I'm too old to change now but really enjoy what I do and at the end of the day it is the sense of achievement when you complete a figure, the relaxation the hobby affords, and the great friends you meet along the way.

Sorry I can't make Sword and Lance tomorrow, it will be the first time I have missed it for a few years and I will miss catching up with you all. Hope you all have a really good day, the weather is set fair for "up north".


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