WIP Airborne Miniatures, 'German KSK operator #2', 1/9


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A great bit of modelling there the headset and mouth piece look brilliant. Soldiering has certainly gotten technical since I left.

Cheers Simon
Progress from a wet Sunday, I've added a suppressor to the rifle, and if you think that just looks like a lollipop stick he's banged on the end, you'd be correct, a bit of painting of the head, and a rework of the camo colours, I wasn't happy with the grey and mixed one to suit.as always, plenty to do, but really enjoying this.

Happy days, I'm off work tomorrow, ah the beauty of being a shift worker, and her in doors is in the office, so I am banking on a bit more bench time. Kno' wot I mean.

Oh, one more thing, once the arms are fitted, I plan on adding a one point sling to the rifle. I mean, how hard can it be?
Nice progress, the suppressor looks very effective, hope you enjoyed the lollipop! The grey works well in the flecktarn, nicely painted.

Cheers Simon
Thanks, Simon. It was a chubba chup cola. The things we do for our hobby.


Whilst not the clearest shot, I do think I need to add more dots / dabs to the trousers. To break up the green.
Thanks, Simon. It was a chubba chup cola. The things we do for our hobby.

View attachment 486853

Whilst not the clearest shot, I do think I need to add more dots / dabs to the trousers. To break up the green.

You martyr to the cause you! I agree more dots it is a very busy pattern, I had a pair of trousers in this camouflage for a while, probably long gone now.

Cheers Simon
Thank you, gents; this is the reference I've been working off, and putting this side by side with the figure, as Simon says, I need more dabs. Or dots.

I'm confident I've the colours correct, just need to work on the density. There are large areas of solid colour, and equally, there are large areas of dots of the same colour. There are also areas where a colour is absent, too.

Ah, the joy of modelling
A bit of progress, I need to wrap this up as it is starting to drag... But I'm enjoying it, any time at the workbench is good time, right?

Need to work on the face, add some washes, check for areas I've missed, then fit the right arm (there is a gap at the wrist), wire in the radio, fit the head and dull coat the entire figure.

I had wondered about doing the webbing in a shade slightly different to the base green, to break up the colour. Likewise, the backpack.

Pretty stunning so far, maybe instead of changing the webbing colour just go for a greater degree of fading, plenty of contrast but keeping the colour balanced across the figure.

Cheers Simon
The camo is looking good , agree with Simon ref fading but balancing as well

Like your idea of a different colour to break things up a bit

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Gents, I've been working on this and nothing is more motivating to finish one project than the prospect of starting another... I did a bit of shade work on the webbing, not sure if it shows up well. I hope to have this finished next week.

That looks pretty good, maybe a little bit more emphasis in the deepest recesses but not too much on this scale. That said it look damn good as it is, I know the feeling of motivation for the next project, the trick is not to rush the last bits, like I do!

Cheers Simon
Feel free to skip this paragraph, it's my sorry excuse for no progress, I've been busting my butt around here, including building a 17.5mx0.8m retaining wall, which is fine if I were a builder, but I'm not; remedial earthworks around the pool to make it council compliant, and shifting a few cubic metres of soil, by hand, which is fine if I identified as a Cat excavator, but I don't; and a myriad of other things, too. So much in fact, my wife brought me a new rifle (Ruger American in .300blk if you're interested); and I've prep a lamb for the freezer, it is currently hanging in a friend's chiller. Sadly, the rifle did not come with any time to use it or finish these guys...

Picking up where I left off, these need a lot of remedial work to a) finish, and b) make presentable. What's a little paint between friends.


I took these into the sunlight after so long away, and left the rose tinted glasses on the table, talk about amateur hour stuff. Best stop the whining, and start the painting!
Sandy man's backpack looks to be sitting high, I may need to adjust that, his arms fitted perfectly. Forest guy's arms needed some work to fit and match at the wrist. Also, I masked off the shoulder flag, which was a lot of work for little result. But it does look a lot tidier than hand painted flags...

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