All this nostalgia


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The Blackwatch closed a little over a year ago. He never did have a website, that is what killed his business. I know this because the shop was down the street from me and the owner is a good friend.
Interesting stuff for us old timers.
Valiant miniatures has a web site at and is still in business as far as I know.
They also sell the Buffalo Bill figure originally from Imperial Miniatures as well as the Imperial Miniatures Eric the Red figure. and
This I know because I am the sculptor for both figures and we had them cast by Valiant. When Imperial went out of business we sold the rights to Valiant for these two figures. They are dated by today's standards but not too bad for the 70's.
Nostalgia indeed!
Thanks a lot for the infos about Vaillant ( now included in the adress list ) at :
also added Imrie Risley , a second G&B catal with lot of picture , a Rose Miniature Catalog Vol 5, 1973 + supplement at

and dear capenglish, pity to hear that your "down the street" shop the Black Watch is closed . I think everybody dreamed of having a down the street figurine' shop .
Anyone need an "All The Queen's Men" catalogue? Found a second copy last week... (wonder what a shrink would make of my hoarding habit). PM me if interested and the catalogue is of course free.
Hello Mirosoft,

Thanks for your terrific website with all those old catalogs on PDF!!!

Rgds Victor
Thanks for all you support
if you have any file, catalog of the past, pictures of your own " oldies" , in digital form , please send them to me ( I will not forget to quote you " courtesy of ... "
I've got Catalogues for,
Series 77
Michael Roberts
Stadden Studios

If there are any that you need let me know!

I remember calling into Bob Rowes Workshop at Woburn Sands in the late 70's, he was always happy to chat and show his range of figures, I think that is when I got the Catalogue.
His son also produced a couple of ECW figures in 100mm.

Hello Friend

as far as I know, Tradition,Serie 77, Michel Roberts are still actives and haves their official sites
check if the Serie 77 catalog ( that was still an UK edition) , the C Stadden catalog and the Phoenix catalog that are in pdf on my site at are the same ot later publication of what you have
Nowadays I have no Ensign catalog
you could send me in Digital form
or by post , copy or original , I would scan it and post it quoting you as " courtesy of " if you wish, and if original send back to you if you wish .
Meanwhile I added a Belgo Model Catalog
I tried John Eden, a couple of years ago, to supply some Rose figures but failed to get any feedback or figures. I hope that he has improved with time.

I've gotten responses to emails to John, regarding the availability of Rose figures not shown on his website (eg, the 54mm Prussian hussars). I contacted him via the email info on his site. I recommend trying again to see.

He also sells directly on eBay, as roseminiatures, though I haven't bought anything from him there, if only because he hasn't put up any of the figures I'm looking for.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Hello Friend

as far as I know, Tradition...are still actives and haves their official sites

Correct! Tradition's website is

They stopped producing the classic 54mm Stadden custom figures (more like 56mm, really) about 6 or 7 years ago. I sent an email to find out about them and got the response that there was too little demand, so they were removed from the active catalog. I'm glad that previously, I had obtained a catalog from their US dealers, Ed & Miriam Studer. I use that to help identify the Staddens I buy on eBay and out of rummage bins on dealer tables at shows.

Correct! Tradition's website is

They stopped producing the classic 54mm Stadden custom figures (more like 56mm, really) about 6 or 7 years ago. I sent an email to find out about them and got the response that there was too little demand, so they were removed from the active catalog. I'm glad that previously, I had obtained a catalog from their US dealers, Ed & Miriam Studer. I use that to help identify the Staddens I buy on eBay and out of rummage bins on dealer tables at shows.


Hello Baron
Do you have a copy of this Stadden catalog in digital form ?
I've got the Stadden 54mm Catalogue, it is quite a comprehensive little book. PM me with your address and I'll send it to you to copy together with the Ensign Catalogue....Keith
I have some Rose catalogs, too, some Phoenix, and some odds and ends, all in hard copy. I probably should scan them, too.

This will be a long-term project, but I'll reply back and arrange to share files, when done.

Always remember Rose Miniatures metallic powders. You used to have to mix them with varnish to create effects in gold and silver.
Reading all these messages makes one realize one is ageing indeed, but what fond memories! Perhaps someone has a complete list of John Barber's Thistle Miniatures? They were 75mm white metal kits, all Scottish subjects with some Great War ones, but they do take their age very well!
I pretty sure that I have an old SEGOM catalogue lurking somewhere, I'll try and find it and scan it.

They were smiliar to Historex kits but were made from acetate and you used acetone to glue them together!!
It was quite a varied range too.