I don't know what you guys are talking about. I never have any problems, It's perfect the fitst time.... :lol:
Actually not!
Here is my list of Muphyisms:
The xacto knife will roll off the bench directly into a body part.
The part you really need will go flying when you least expect it.
The airbrush will spit a big glob of crap on your last pass on a part that will be really hard to touch up.
Once you thought you had the painting technique nailed, the next time you try it, it will be not even remotely close to the results you were expecting.
The drill bit will break in the last 1/16 of an inch in that hole you are drilling in the only leg that hits the ground.
You will spend 3 hours painting that perfect face, then discover after it is dry, that there is a imperfection under the paint that you did not see.
The super glue you used to assemble the figure is not that super.
You pull the tape off the base you masked for ground work to find the low tack wasn't and it pulled half your varnish off.
As you are proudly marching into the show hall with your "best" work, you take one last look at the figure to discover you forgot to paint the buckles on the canteen strap and helmet.
I know, this has all happened to me- and I bet to veryone else (even Bill).
But, it is a relaxing hobby
Matt Wellhouser