" And quiet flows the Don "


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13. Day, November 4, 2018 (third Workshop day at Goslar) and
14. Day, November 6, 2018

There is probably no other piece of clothing in the world - especially not military! - that has as many color shades as the Russian field blouse "Gymnastika"! From almost white to dark green, there is almost everything - the following pictures show only a small selection ...:

The reason was the procurement system of the Russian army:

The regiment got money from the Ministry of War and then bought some fabric where it was! If there was too little money, or if parts of the sums had been embezzled by the commissariat (occurred quite often!), it had to be cheap material!

Cloth bales were bought, the regimental tailors then made the field blouses from it.

Even if the source materials were of different colors and of very different quality, field service - especially in war - did the rest:
The gymnastics cors could accept pretty much any color!

Accordingly, one and the same unit came very colorful mottled together in the First World War - whether Cossacks or not ...:

Since the procurement system was maintained in the Soviet Union, the same can be said about units of the Red Army ...:

Photos from the movie "And quiet flows the Don" show that our friend "Grigory" also wears several differently colored Gymnastiorkas ...:

Good for me, because I have now, so to speak, the free choice!
I decided on this model - and painted it on the last workshop day at Goslar ..:

Today the buttons were still to paint - but first a problem had to be solved ...:

The buttons of the bust are modeled quite smooth, which is not quite true!

On the things namely the Imperial-Russian double eagle was imprinted. This is how the buttons looked new ...:

... and so used - the cheap metal did not stay fresh and shiny for long in the open air ...:

We look again closely - even friend "Grigory" wears these buttons with the embossed double-headed eagle ...:

I picked out those colors ...

Then I took undiluted silver and indicated with small swabs and strokes a corresponding embossing on the buttons.

Until it looked like I wanted it, several passes and subsequent short dry times were necessary.

The thick silver color wears on and shows after drying the impression of a relief.

With a wash of a 50:50 mix of very diluted silver and black, I then gave the buttons a "used look" and at the same time emphasized the "imprints" ...:

Oh yes - last item on the agenda for today: The color of the lips is still to change!

I did that with these colors ...

... where I have done the luxury, these typical cross grooves especially on the lower lip ...

... to indicate ...:

What do you mean? Better now...?
Better Martín, better..fits with the tonality of the rest now..btw, I use schminke mussing as well, do you find a bit of sheen to them more so than say old holland? Mussin9 has damar resins to even drying, OH has waxes that stiffen and give more matte
15. Day, November 7, 2018

Let's get to the coat that "Grigory" wears - and which in the Russian army was called "Zhinel" (Шинель).

Since I represent our hero at a time when he is already an officer, of course, only the officer model comes into question!

In 1914 - at the beginning of the war - a new coat model was issued to officers, namely this one ...:

This model was much simpler, therefore, than the peace and pre-war model - which looked like this one for the Don Cossacks ...:

This simpler exterior was found by the - extremely state-conscious! - Russian officers not so good, got the old silver buttons sewed on the new coat - and were slammed at the front by snipers, like hares!

Friend "Grigory", who already got to know and fear the front as a simple soldier, prefers a different officer's model of the "Zhinel" in the movie - namely the variant issued with a concealed button-facing in 1915 ...:

Because the M1914 "Zhinel" was only single-rowed for ordinary soldiers ...

... snipers could continue to identify and shoot the officer at long range on his two visible "Zhinel" row of buttons.

Only at the end of 1916 there was also a coat with hidden button placket for soldiers!

Although the officer's model was made of much better wool fabric at the beginning of the war than the coat for ordinary soldiers, this material was getting worse and worse due to the catastrophic economic situation of the Tsarist Empire as the war progressed.

And I want to portray this coarse wool fabric today - the surface of the coat the bust wears is too smooth for me...:

This is a case for "Jo Sonja"!

And I've tried something new ...:

The instructions for use state that this texture paste can be diluted with water at will. So why not dye them with acrylics ...?

Then I would have a new texture complete with an acrylic underpainting!

Thought done!

In an old lid I mixed the texture paste with "Light Grey" and black ...

... and the dark gray porridge ...

... dabbed with bristle brushes in several passes on the coat. Teary corners were done with the little hairbrush.

Of course, I left out seams, collar patches and epaulets - as well as the one part of the open jacket - a detail we will come to.

If I had dabbed over the "edge", the mistake was immediately corrected with a wet brush, or the paste removed there.

Since the stuff dries just as quickly as acrylic paints, you have to hurry, otherwise it means scratching or sanding!

Wages of work:

The "Zhinel" now has exactly the rough texture I wanted ...:

So much for today...
16. Day, November 8, 2018

I once started to paint the coat collar.

In the gray, what I have in mind, these colors are included after intensive testing ...

When painting, I make sure not to make the lights and shadows too hard (or too deep), because such a heavy coat fabric folds more gently.

Even if it's not finished - collar, buttons and seams of the collar are still missing:

It turns the - hoped! - impression of a heavy cloth coat of rough material that has seen better days ...:

17. Day, November 9, 2018

I just finished the coat collar.

"Grigory" wears a rather light gray Officer Shinel with concealed button placket in the late phase of the movie ...:

The collar patches also appear gray - but if you look more closely (for example, to the Cossack in the foreground) you can see that the gray there has a significant sting in the green!

And that's right with other movie sequences ...

...and matches to original pieces...:

So I painted the collar patches with these colors ...

... and also gave them the seen green cast.

By the way, there are no colored piping, as at the peace uniform - we are in the middle of a cruel civil war!

The two - smoothly modeled - buttons on the collar mirrors receive the same treatment with silver and black as those on the gymnastics ka field blouse and now look embossed and used with Double-Eagle.

The seams of the collar and the outlining are therefore designed with "German Uniform Green", the circumferential seam of the jacket collar, however, with dark gray ...:

Well - Zhinel collar is ready!

Or is there still something missing? What do you mean...?

Have a nice weekend!

18. Day, November 12, 2018

When the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, many Cossacks initially believed their slogans of "peace, land and bread" - including Grigory.

Like many others, he deserted from the front against the Germans, rides home - and joins the "red Cossacks" who occupied the Don area, his home, almost without a fight.

The freely elected Don Cossack Ataman, General Alexej Maximovich Kaledin ...

... shot himself of despair on November 11, 1918.

But the Cossacks faced a rude awakening!

The "Reds" had not forgotten the role they had held for almost 100 years as the protector of the Tsarist power and insurgent police, and lived in the Cossack area like occupiers in a conquered country, true to Lenin's slogan of "Decossackisation". ,

Willingness, robbery, murder, looting were the order of the day.

The result was a massive Cossack uprising, two of the "red" leaders, Podjolkow and Kriwoschlikow were publicly hanged by the Cossacks - and drove the "red" from the Don area!

So ends the first part of the book "And Quiet Flows The Don".

The new Don Ataman, General Pyotr Nikolayevich Krasnov ...

... urgently tried to build state structures and an army of an autonomous state of the Don Cossacks - relying entirely on the help of the Germans, whose troops had occupied neighboring Ukraine after the armistice with Russia.

With massive German help, Krasnow and the "Great Mighty Don-Host" (as the official name) succeeded in fighting back a second invasion of the Bolsheviks in the Cossack area!

However, he was massively crossed with the military leader of the "white" (Tsarist and Great Russian oriented) army, General Anton Ivanovich Denikin ...

... who instead relied on the support of the Western Allies and demanded submission of the Don Cossacks under his sole command.

While the Cossacks and the "Whites" engaged in endless quarrels, the "Reds" acted!

In the meantime, Lev Davidovich Trotski, the military mind of the "reds" had realized to whom the "whites" owed their victories over his troops:

The highly mobile Cossack cavalry!

For while in western Europe old-style cavalry had long since become utterly unfashionable, cavalry troops proved to be the ideal fighting force in the vast spaces of the civil war, given the few roads and railroads!

Trotsky published his famous call "Proletarians on horseback!" In the middle of 1919 - and created the Red Riders Armies of the Commanders Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny ...

…and Lawr Grigorjevich Daumenko...

... who launched a third invasion of the Don area with overwhelming power and pulverized the Cossacks (as well as Denikin's "white" volunteer army) to dust.

Ataman Krasnow fled to Berlin into German exile and the Cossacks had only three options: death in a hopeless fight against the "Reds", exile or - submission.

Grigorij - now Sotnik (lieutenant / centaur leader) of the Cossacks happily survives all the battles (his brother Petro was shoot by the "Reds") and at the last moment refuses exile when he realizes that he can not live anywhere but on home soil.

Here on the quay of the port of Novorossijsk he says goodbye to his best friend Mitya Korschunov, who has chosen exile ...:

Instead, Grigory vanishes, joins a gang of robbers who call themselves the "Greens" (and fight "whites" and "reds" alike), but which is soon crushed by Red Army squadrons.

After hiding on an island, he ventures a short homecoming to fetch Aksinja and flee with her. However, Aksinja is shot dead during this escape ...:

Grigory now remains only the submission - and he rides home. This is how the novel ends.

So ends the novel - and another end would have been hardly possible at Stalin's time! Nevertheless, the author Mikhail Sholokhov describes the "whites" and their motives astonishingly objective and very vividly!

**continued next post**
As far as my "Grigory" is concerned, it was just his epaulettes that you can see well here:

This is how the epaulettes of a Sotnik of the Don Cossacks looked - in contrast to the insignia of "normal" Russian officers, they were not golden among the Cossacks, but silver, even the stars!

However, all the splendor and glory after a few weeks field service lokked - especially in the civil war! -very different:

The silver strands seemed rather gray - and the silver tin stars began to tarnish. Here are such worn pieces - but some of the Orenburg Cossacks from the same time, whose colors were dark blue / light blue, in contrast to those of the Don Cossacks, who red / dark blue wore...:

I try to make this worn appearance picturesque:

First comes the blue median strip - but to depict the blue bleached, I offset with gray ...:

In a second step I paint the shoulder pieces gray - each with lights and shadows...:

Then I "wash" the epaulettes with very thinned black to work out the structure of the strands with Offo had sculpted so beautifully ...:

In a further step, with a nearly dry brush and very reserved, a few silver pigments "brushed" on the places of the epaulets where light falls down ...:

And finally: the stars! I paint them with a mix of gold and silver to give them a slightly tarnished touch ...:

Last steps: The two circumferential red pipings...:

Ready for today!

Hi Martin

WOW !!! so much has happened since my last look ( moving house !!! ) ....lips look better , love the uniform colour , the texture paste works very well and the epaulettes the same

As always research and information top class

Looking forward to seeing more

Hi Martin

Coming on nicely will you shadow and highlight with washes/ drybrushing to bring out the textures even more ?

Thanks for sharing

20. Day, November 14, 2018

So - I have delt with the coat part just one and a half hours with various Wash's and "Drybrushing's".


The fabric became much darker - and matches now even more to the template ...:

Lights and shadows became much more vivid - and besides, the piece now looks somehow "greasier", more worn - a very desirable effect ...:

21. Day, November 15, 2018

The other front part of the Zhinel coat...:

I am - frankly said - very, very glad that I have managed to reproduce the color, because there are so many different components in it ...

What's missing at the front is the second coat surcharge.

I have not touched it yet - and it has not got any texture.

This has its very special reason - and we will come to that tomorrow ...

Hi Martin

Well done on achieving the colour match looking good

Intrigued about what's happening with the surcharge tommorow ..........guessing begins !

Thanks for sharing

22. Day, November 16, 2018

These Zhinel coats with concealed button had a special feature - an asymmetrically sewn-in coat lining!

At the side, which was buttoned down - and thus was not visible - the coat lining went over the full width of the lapel, at the side, which was over-buttoned, the serve remained free, because the inside was visible when you carry it out.

For coats of ordinary soldiers, the lining was rough, rather inferior, and fairly light ...

In officers' coats, the lining was also sewn asymmetrically, but of better fabric - and had a gray-green color that could vary considerably from coat to coat ...:

Such a Zhinel is wearing our "Grigorij" - and I painted the lining with these colors ...:

I made a great effort to represent this "fabric" as "worn out" as possible ...:

I can not offer you a better picture today - I just finished and the whole thing still shines ...

Incidentally, with the coat photo directly above the paint tubes, you can easily see that I have by no means exaggerated the texture ...

Have a nice weekend!


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