29. Day, November 27, 2018
Let's turn to Aksinja Astakhova, Grigory's great unhappy love and the second main character of the movie!
First of all a test rehearsal, without glueing anything ...:
Then I fixed the pin with two-component adhesive, the correct fit of which I had previously precisely marked during the test...:
That should - hopefully! - enough not to be surprised at the final assembly.
The hole for the pin has - as well as with "Grigory" and on the base - an oversize of about 1mm in diameter.
This ensures that the glue does not spill out undesirably, because that would happen if the hole was exactly true to size!
The final seat I make sure by wedging the pin after sticking (but if the glue is still wet!) toothpicks. That holds.
After curing the glue I sent "Aksinja" into the ultrasonic bath ...:
And after drying, I then primed her with my usual dark gray "Army Painter" ...:
Whoaa - "Aksinja's" face is really to fall in love! Lucky "Grigorij"!
BTW: This will their final position...:
I hope I get her reasonably well painted - I have never painted a female figure before ...