WIP ANZAC charge ,Gallipoli 1/32


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A Fixture
Apr 11, 2004
Hello All,
This is an attempt with a few figures to show a typical charge at Gallipoli.Its early days yet to see how it all turns out,but will give it a go.
There are still more figures(charging)even though it looks a bit depressing at the moment.
Does anyone see this as a commercial release?, with it being twelve figures or so,it could out price itself,Comments please.


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Looking promising but early days ...I suppose price would be a factor but has the potential to be a great scene and a popular diorama....Nice One....Kevin
Does anyone see this as a commercial release?, with it being twelve figures or so,it could out price itself,Comments please.
Andy, I would say YES!!!!!
If it was done the same way as Time Machine Miniatures Roman vignettes. Not all in one go, but small vig's that all join up.
Nice work mate. Please don't skimp on the horror of what this depicts.

Cheers Jason
The complete scene could be amazing...12 figures !!!!
But I´m afraid of price. Not easy calculate total amount of it........
Perhaps the solution would be three small vignettes with
4 figures (2 charging and 2 casualties) each ????
Best regards from Spain.
Andy, very cool and a great idea. Tommy's War cannon diorama has proved popular and I am sure the Gallipoli idea will prove just as popular.
We are discussing this without knowing the price, we are all guessing. Tommy's War cannon set sells for £120 and it's proved popular. 12 figures - even six figures will be costly especially from the Antipodes - shipping is the painful cost. But if AC breaks it down into several sets I am sure the popularity will be great. However I am looking forward to seeing this set emerge.
I love it.
The problem as it has already beingn pontied could be the price. I guess if you could release 4 different vignettes of three figures, they could work....Just try to mix the casualty figures and don't releas sets with only dead and wounded guys..
I forgot. The vignettes would have to work as independent pieces that may all work together (maybe some don't want to buy all of them, but then your artisitc and fun work is to "tease" them to.
Well, that's what I tryed to do when I released my grenadier sets.
I agree with ONIRIA. Sets of three or four figures in 75mm scale
(Combining casualties and charging soldiers) could result a good option.
More than 3/4 figures per set shot the price too high !!! But please, don´t
retire from this project.....please go on !!! There are a lot of modellers
that love Gallipoli actions !!!
Cheers. JM.
Looks promising. I absolutely see it as a potential commericial release, perhaps a limited run of a set number. Seems like (even taking price into consideration) there is a market for these vignettes--Tommy's War released one and the Shenandoah scenes continue to attract buyers.
Super piece Andy!

If you're having doubts about it being a viable commercial peice then I'd say carry on regardless. There is one collector that would pay you a handsome price for the original sculpt..Peter Jackson the film director. He commissioned the Perry twins to create a Gallipolli diorama, and has a WWI collection that is world class. If I were you I'd drop him a line and let him see your progress so far, he'd probably buy it before you'd even finished it!

All the best,
I love it!!!!
It has the kind of action I really dig.
Commercial wise... I guess it all depends on the material. MB puts out a number of dio sets (8 or so figs) in HQ plastic and they are very reasonably priced.


At a rough estimate,I could do the whole set retail at 120 pounds,a tennor per figure say but that would be the whole dio.As for breaking it down into smaller lots a mixed bag of figures can be used in different order.
Hi Andy,

cool project !!!

I would say, offer it as complete set and alternative in two figure parts. The one who wants them together will pick them up - the others will collect them part by part.

I´m looking forward to see the whole szenery !!!

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