Atlanta 2021
Hi there boys and girls. Just dropping in to reaffirm that the 2021 AMFS Figure Show is only a month, or so away. We are busily preparing for the event to make it as enjoyable as possible for those of y'all who make it the Marietta Conference Center/Atlanta Hilton. The dates are February 19- 21, 2021. We will open at 7:00 PM on Friday and conclude Sunday morning.
For reasons, obvious or maybe not, this years version of the show will look a bit different than in years past. In order to present the event we have made various changes that we hope will 1) Insure that our event is as safe as we can make it and 2) Not detract too much from the show. The AMFS is committed to make everyone as safe as possible and still proceed with our show. With this in mind, here are the most notable of changes;
* We will not hold the traditional awards ceremony due to health concerns. Very early on Sunday morning will instead place all awards with the winning exhibits.
* There will be no traditional seminars for the same reasons as above. There
is a possibility that one (or more) of our vendors will do demos at their tables.
We will announce as /if it is confirmed.
* The Silent Auction is cancelled
* Both Exhibit and Vendor rooms will be configured to allow as much "free space" as possible for our attendees. The entire show will be spread as much as possible for your safety
* Hotel Regulations call for wearing of masks and "social distancing". Masks or similar face coverings are REQUIRED by the AMFS Show. Anyone refusing to wear a mask will either removed from or denied admittance to the Show areas. The only exception to this will be children under the age of 5.
* The Show hotel furnishes kiosks for hand sanitizer and the AMFS will have , on hand, disposable masks and additional hand sanitizer for everyone usage.
At this time, the APG painting workshop featuring Julio Cabos is still scheduled to be held on Thursday and Friday (18th and 19th) and the "Painting 1/35 Scale Figures Workshop lead by Brett Avants will begin on Friday morning, the 19th. ( We will advise ASP of any changes here) NB: These events are held outside the purview of the AMFS and "safety precautions" are the responsibility of the sponsors.
Currently we have a full slate of vendors committed to our Show and we look forward to having plenty of customers for them.