WIP Austro-hungarian Mountain Troops - Bust 1/9


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Great thread, I like the research details and your sculpting info, too.

Regarding the woolen pompoms, the Italian mountain troops wore a similar lanyard with pompoms. I wonder if they copied the detail from the Austrians, or if it was carried over to them when the South Tyrol was ceded to Italy.

Do not know answer to Your question.
I'm trying to figure out how exactly that lanyard was knit - the idea is to make it out of soft wire.
I posted the question to the wooden ship modellers forum - I think they could know the answer...
Off course, if Martin does not give us answer before them :)
I'll let You know ;)
Refined a torso a bit, so I could better see misplaced volumes - and there are more than few ;)
Especially on the back...



Hi Brad!

I can not answer your question exactly.

There are between Austrian Gebirgsjaeger and Italian Alpini (not Bersaglieri!) some similarities, such as the "Jaegerhut", the pompoms, or even the cock feather jewelry.

The "Jaegerhut" decreases in both cases to alpine national costumes even the cockfeathers.

Added the arms - now I'll refine the whole thing...
I have a pair of kniting needles in my toolbox, but man I would never gues that I'm gona use them for actual knitting :joyful:
It's just a test, I need a bit thinner wire, and in the begging it was a total disaster, but I think I got last two or three just right:

Not sure if it is a right way but here is the plan:
Make naked body, refine it, bake it, sand and prime and then make a resin copy.
The plan is to use MS over the resin copy.
This way I can have "Bust template", so I could afford some errors later (and I believe there will be errors :) )
It's much easyer to just pur new "resin template" and start again from the uniform (if I mess up) than start it from beggining.
Also there is possibility later to use the same "template" to make that officer (yes, I'm the lazy one) ;)
Don't make the knitted part too long, Darko!
Most of the Schuetzenschnur was normal cord. You can show this with drilled wire, as I made it in this thread...:

This so-called "Schuetzenschnur" was an award for good shooting performance.


For Your Bust You have two colour-possibilities...:

Shooter of the Jaegertruppe (grass green)...:


2. Sharpshooter of the Jaegertruppe (green gold)


Thx Martin !
The one in the picture is "grass green" I think. But it seems to me that the knitting on last two images is a bit different than the first one.
Nevermind, Ill figure out something.

Now, Martin, back to the patches and insignia ;)
All of them will be photoetched - I want the details as sharp as possible.
So can you provide aprox. dimensions for:

Hat patch
Edelweiss - (you already gave the dimensions ;) )
Small stars on the collar
Size of the backround for the edelweiss and the stars (those are not the same on all uniforms ?)
Size of the buttons on the hat
Number "4" on the shoulder

Off course I can "scale" already known dimensions to get for example aprox. button dimensions.
So, some of the dimensions would be great, all of them would be pure fantasy ;)

Than You in advance !!!
Because of the dimensions of the collar stars I am not hundert percent sure, for I have no source that shows them exactely.

But in one source specifies the width of the gold braid with "2 cm". This size will fit in well as to the dimensions of the Edelweiss


Hope, this may help - but - as said, I am not 100 percent sure...

Dimensions of the "Schuetzenschnur":

Top pompom: 40 mm
Little Pompoms: 30mm
Great Pompons: 45 mm
Knitted part: 110 mm
Length over all: 53,5 cm
Cord diameter: 4mm

I've found some details hat and badge.
The hat was worn only for parades.
Left on the cap has an inclined rearward sleeve Hutfilz was attached for fastening the plume.

The Hutemblem was the hunting horn - at the Tyrolean Kaiserjäger Tyrolean eagle in the Horn.
When the military police battalion with number.

The badge was secured over the spring sleeve so that Eagle, or the number showed the same oblique direction as the spring sleeve.

The plume consisted of black rooster feathers and was in the form of a rooster tail tied up on a 1.5 mm thick piece of iron wire, which formed a loop.
The length of the plume was including the wire loop 29 cm.

The buttons of the hunters formations were yellow - in the Kaiserjäger smooth and at the military police with the battalion number.

For majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels, the width of the border was 3.3 cm.
Thank you Martin, this is great ! According to this "2 cm" I can scale the whole collar too.
You are right, it also fits well with 5.5 cm of the edelweiss - just checked it.
I'm not even sure I can do the lanyard that precise ;)

The only thing left is the number "4" on the shoulder, but I can take aprox. measures from pics.
Tomorow I'm gonna prepare drawings for photoetching.

Regards !
What a passion for accuracy you have, Pokrad! Outstanding!

All the best,

I'm an ex-scale modeller ;) Did a quite few airplanes, and in that field I was often called "rivet counter" :) :)
Unfortunatelly, in figure sculpting I have no knowledge about the uniforms (yet), so I depend on guys like Martin or Hendryk ...
I've found some details hat and badge.
The hat was worn only for parades.
Left on the cap has an inclined rearward sleeve Hutfilz was attached for fastening the plume.

The Hutemblem was the hunting horn - at the Tyrolean Kaiserjäger Tyrolean eagle in the Horn.
When the military police battalion with number.

The badge was secured over the spring sleeve so that Eagle, or the number showed the same oblique direction as the spring sleeve.

The plume consisted of black rooster feathers and was in the form of a rooster tail tied up on a 1.5 mm thick piece of iron wire, which formed a loop.
The length of the plume was including the wire loop 29 cm.

The buttons of the hunters formations were yellow - in the Kaiserjäger smooth and at the military police with the battalion number.

For majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels, the width of the border was 3.3 cm.

Hendryk, I guess i posted my message at the same time as you and did not see your post until now.
I leave the hunting horn out for this one, will stick to the photos, but this is interesting information for the "officer bust".

Thx for info about the wire formed feathers. I saw many roosters, and roosters have those curved tail feather - but newer saw that much looped.
Wire explains it ;)

Regards !

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