WIP Austro-hungarian Mountain Troops - Bust 1/9


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I had some trouble figuring out the right shape of the brim - this is the third attempt.
I have to make it thinner, and big part of it will be covered with the fabric, but I think I'm close to the right shape of the part that will be visible:




Martin, I'm working ONLY on the brim, forget the rest of the volumes - it is only "holder" so the brim does not fall of the head. Also, only a bit more than a half of the curently visible brim will stay visible...
Nevermind, it will be clear soon ;)
Hey Darko, my post was not meant as criticism, but should only be used as an aid.
You are without a doubt on the right track.

I thought that You are saying that the brim is too big ;)
But don't worry, I can take criticism - so do not hesitate to criticize if you see something wrong ;)
Building the base volume of the cap. I noticed that there were at least two different ways to wear this hat. Some of the images shows top of the cap flat, and some shows the front top of the cap pulled out.
This second one looks more "saucy", so I decided to put it also slantwise. Many historical pictures shows the cap in this position ;)
I still need to remove some volumes, and do the folded part of the cap :


Just playing around ;)
Glasses will be hard to sculpt, so I decided to make "proto" from some plastic and wire, and cast it.
Left is the original, right is the resin cast. They need to be a bit more shalow, but I will sand it down later.
Also testing the position of the feathers. There will be a problem with the space-as the glasses strip goes back and really near to the small pocket where feathers are stuck in, I have to determine the pocket position.



Hi Hendryk and Martin !
Had almost zero time to sculp for last two weeks. Did some work on the cap, but I'm not sure it's OK. In fact I think I'll try to do it from beggining.
There will be much more time next week, so I'm back on the track ;)
Yes, the officer hat is the wanted look, and here is what I did so far:




There is no a "clean and sharp" line that separates the brim as I already tried to fit the glasses...
Do not try to be pulite just tell me what you think ;) , I'm seriously thinking about starting it over...