bending resin


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Active Member
Aug 29, 2013
stony plain , alberta , Canada
I am abut to start on a figure with an ammo belt that needs to be bent so it hangs around shoulder. Whats the best method for bending the belt , was going to try the hot water but thought I would ask for some advice for best results. Thx in advance.
If I have well understood I think you have to remove the existant belt and remake a new one with lead foil or maybe with putty.
Hope this will help you
Hi Viesturs, yes, hot water will work. Be patient with it. It will be fragile at best. Once you have it bent around the shoulder, run it under cold water to lock the shape.


As Ron said, the best way is to submerse the piece in very warm water (I had a piece shrivel up in hot water once.......probably left it in too long:(), gently shape it into the desired shape or around the area (in this case the shoulder and chest) and then apply cold water to 'harden' it again. Be patient as this may take a couple of attempts to get the final shape you want.
I would use a hair dryer and set it on medium heat.

A steady gentle apllication of heat will allow the resin to sag into place and hang naturally. You can then run it under cold water to lock in the changed shape.
Be careful with a hairdrier, it's easy to go too far. I melted the tips of a plastic belt once; they soften before the bulk of the belt. Indeed use medium heat from a distance and go slowly and in steps.
And practice on a scrap part first.

Good luck,
Long time since I bent any resin..........long time ,..too long.
ahhh... I miss it dearly.
Hi,I did a Young MG42 bust sometime ago and I cut all the rounds off the resin belt and made a new one out of lead foil,I didn't have any of the hassle trying to bend the resin either,the lead foil can be shaped into the figure to get a real natural looking hang to the belt. :)

Hi,I did a Young MG42 bust sometime ago and I cut all the rounds off the resin belt and made a new one out of lead foil,I didn't have any of the hassle trying to bend the resin either,the lead foil can be shaped into the figure to get a real natural looking hang to the belt. :)


Good idea Brian, I might try that method with Young's Soviet Naval Infantryman bust I have just started.

Thanks for the tip.
