Hi Guys ,
Just had a thought ..it happens occasionally ....wasn't there some talk of having a masters class in the comp , reckon this would be the best of the best with only those that have won at least 1 gold in any class previously at Euro being allowed to enter .
Yes I know you would probably needs different class's as well but .......
This would IMO allow others to be recognised in the non masters classes ...
Interesting to hear thoughts on this ?
Hi Nap
I did hear about this suggestion, although I don't think it was from the organizers.
It's a sound idea, but many have said that they like to put their figures in with the Masters, so its tough subject, with mixed thoughts.
Personally I like to compete against the best, and if my figures don't look out of place against theirs, I feel I have achieved something.
Another point, the Judges have a hard enough time with the entries as it is, the standard very high throughout, think of the poor buggers having to judge a masters class.
I think they'd have a heart attack trying to decide who gets what.
While attending the Antwerp show a few years back, they had a different system.
There were three categories. Beginners, Intermediates and Masters. You made up a display of all you pieces and they would be judged, with individual pieces being selected for awards.
If you won gold in the Beginners, you would move to the intermediate class, and Intermediate to Master.
You have to rely on folk being honest though, we saw a number of very well painted pieces in the Beginners class, obviously not Beginners, but someone purely pot hunting.
I believe this system was considered for Euro, and but from what i heard the majority of folk preferred to keep it, as it is.
Have you thought of putting your ideas to the show organizers to see what they think? It can't hurt to ask.