"Birdman of Badajoz"


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THANK YOU very much,Markus !!! I'm really humbled by the support that I am getting so for for my project. Cheers !
I really like the idea the composiotion the elements and the way it rpoceeds through!!! i also tried to locate thes birdies but no chance on Minie Balls site . Also this nice rabbit ..hm ? any chance finding it ?
Hi Costas ! Thank you very much for the encouragement;I really appreciate it ! Have you tried getting the birds from Military Miniature Warehouse ? That's where I got mine from in the first place. As for the rabbit,it actually comes from Reaper Miniatures' "Familiars Set 2",a RPG gaming item !! I used it as it had excellent details and was a real joy to paint up. HTH,my friend. Cheers !
Same here,Jim,same here :lol: :lol: !! Somehow the dried seaweed takes paint MUCH better than the standard Static Grass used by most modellers. I know I'm a convert now. Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
Kenneth, my friend, very nice ground work, looks convincing.
Looking forward to your next step.

Keep up the good work.

Roc. :)
Thank You very much,Roc :lol: ;I REALLY appreciate the encouragement ! I'm working on the figure itself now,plus the nameplate for the vignette,so I should have some more photos to post on-line soon. Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
kenneth, That ground work is really nice. I really like the composition you've come up with. If the painted figure looks like his surroundings this will be your best yet.~Gary
Well,guys,I'm happy to say that the "Birdman" is finally finished :lol: ! It's been an enjoyable project and I'm really humbled by all the encouragement that has been given to me by the members here. Thanks for looking and cheers !
Kenneth :)



That's a great piece of work Yeo. I knew that i wouldn't get dissapointed when you finished this beauty. So here you are with an indeed excellent piece.
I can't wait to see more of your creations.

Hey Kenneth,

I have to say that you have improved quite a bit since your first attempt. I think you are on the right track and if you just work on a few different areas you will be quite impressed yourself. I think and have said this before, this is your best work to date. Keep on doing what you enjoy. :)

Xenofon,my friend,thank you very much for the encouragement;I REALLY appreciate it :lol: :lol: !! Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
Joe,my friend,thank you very much :lol: :lol: !! With GREAT guys such as yourself here on the "planet" to consult whenever I hit a snag or two in my projects,I'll DEFINITELY seek to improve with every model that I build. Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
Hell Kenneth,

great piece! Very nice idea, and the grounwork is really good. I like also the composition and attachment of the birds.

Keep up the good work!

Hey Marijn :lol: ! Thank you very much for the encouraging comments,my friend;I really appreciate it :) !! Cheers !