A Fixture
My new project is on the Bonus March riots of 1933 that took place in Washington DC. The veterans of WWI were promised bonuses for service and since it was the Depression they wanted the government to pay them right away as many were out of work.
The scene will depict a riot in the Hooverville encampment...
... where the police and US Army fought with the Bonus Marchers. George Patton's tanks were employed and here is the US Army Type "A" version of the Renault FT-17 which was the tank used...
Altogether there will be about twenty figures which I will start sculpting over the next few months.
The scene will depict a riot in the Hooverville encampment...

... where the police and US Army fought with the Bonus Marchers. George Patton's tanks were employed and here is the US Army Type "A" version of the Renault FT-17 which was the tank used...

Altogether there will be about twenty figures which I will start sculpting over the next few months.