Hey Guy's,
Been wanting to broaden my figure modeling by being able to sculpt different poses on stock figure etc.,to even doing a whole figure lie alot of you guys do and so was wondering if you guys could point out any reference,how to books out there. The only putty work on figures i have done is gaps and hole fills and small stuff like lapels and shoulder boards and small pouches and bags with A&B putty,but am also thinking of trying other types,so i would like to also ask what you guys think is the best model putty out there?
Been wanting to broaden my figure modeling by being able to sculpt different poses on stock figure etc.,to even doing a whole figure lie alot of you guys do and so was wondering if you guys could point out any reference,how to books out there. The only putty work on figures i have done is gaps and hole fills and small stuff like lapels and shoulder boards and small pouches and bags with A&B putty,but am also thinking of trying other types,so i would like to also ask what you guys think is the best model putty out there?