WIP Critique Borodino- Scene Mock-up


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This is looking like a great piece, Colin.
Stick with it when the inspiration takes hold,.....I'm also looking forward to seeing the end result.
All power to your arms!!
Thanx Guys
I had a couple of false starts on this project but I feel like I've really got my teeth stuck in now. Getting started seems to be half the battle.:blackeye: I did the mane and tail on the downed horse last night and that was another one of the sculpt elements that worried me... everytime I clear a hurdle like that it gives me the push to move on to the next new thing.


Oh yeah, Bill Horan is one of my favorite miniturists... His action scenes are like stills from a war movie. I can only hope to achieve a fraction of what he does, but hey, I can dream right?

The downed horse with mane, forelock and tail in Apoxie and the saddle straps done with foil strips and copper wire

It's very easy to get discourage when you are working in a project like this, with many figures/scenery to complete but trust me, you will do a great job and be very pleased staring at it when is finished.
Looking forward to see more of your great work mate :)
Thanx Guys
It is a rather daunting project... Once in a while I sit back and look at it and say "What the Hell have I gotten myself into?" The key I think is to have the odd side project (like a single fig to paint) so I don't get sick of this or get ringrust on the brushes.
The Hornet heads are 54mm and they are still a touch small... I've sourced some other heads that are more animated and hopefully a bit bigger. We'll see when they show up. The Hornets might be better when they get hair... haven't tried that yet.

Thanx for looking in

The key I think is to have the odd side project (like a single fig to paint) so I don't get sick of this or get ringrust on the brushes.

That's my experience...I need to have a smaller and completely different project to work on during a mega-project, although my track record in completing the big ones is pretty sad. Better luck to you.

The Hornet heads are 54mm and they are still a touch small... I've sourced some other heads that are more animated and hopefully a bit bigger. We'll see when they show up. The Hornets might be better when they get hair... haven't tried that yet.

Thanx for looking in

Yes, they are! From where did you sourced them?
Zeno, The Hornet heads came right off the shelves at The Sentry. After talking with Greg, I ordered some heads from Micheal Roberts through The Sentry. Just waiting for them to arrive. He also said Shannandoa heads would be a good size match too. Paul G also offered up some Nimix heads to the mix. It's becoming a community project.(y)

So until I get the heads sorted out, I'm gonna concentrate on the horses and sculpting from the neck down. I also have the cannon and the actual base to work on. Not like I'm stuck with nothing to do ;)


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