From what I've heard, Mike Good got ripped off by Ian Burton as well with his beautiful Tall Hat Bust. Since Mike is a regular here maybe he cares to elaborate.
Hello All,
Anders, I was indeed ripped off by Ian Burton. But your information is not quite correct. I was paid for the Tall Hat bust in a timely manner. So I followed this up with a second project. Burton ripped me off for a Guard Cossack figure I did in 75mm. It had the misfortune to be mailed out just before the the twin towers attacks of 2001. I was in regular email contact with Burton at the time. Weeks and then months passed with Burton insisting that the package never arrived. I simply wrote it off as another victim of 9/11.
Then one day, out of the blue, I recieved and email from an English modeler. He was congratulating on my latest figure. I was unlcear what he was talking about so i asked him to send me a pic of the kit. He obliged and there it was, a resin casting of the supposedly "lost" Guard Cossack figure.
Since no molds were made from the figure before i posted it to Burton, the only way this modeler could have gotten the figure was from Burton himself, which the modeler confirmed. I was flat broke at the time and the loss of income from this ripoff was felt quite painfully at the time. However, the loss of income could be made up over time. What could not be gotten back was the work i put into the master. Here are pics of the original figure sculpt.
If anybody out there should have castings of this model, I would be most grateful to have a copy of them. I would be happy to pull molds off of the castings and replace the model for anybody willing to do this. It is quite a loss for me to not even have any copies of this figure which has some sentimental value for me, being one of my very earliest sculpts.
In over 20 years in this business, I have only been ripped off once. This was it. Also, I have never lost anything in the post. It is really great that most everybody in this business is ethical and straight forward in their dealings with a sculptor like myself. But I have occasionally run across unethical types. Avoid them like the plague. When I am aware of them, I do. I thought Burton was friend. It is unfortunate to learn the truth in this way.