Quite logical really those findingsaren't they?
The welsh language and many place names are largely
ancient and unchanged too.
I was always convinced that either the incoming migrations
west and north within britian would have 'pushed' those who
didn't want to inter-mix in the same direction;
Or that the amount of intermixing would diminish north and west
as 'new' people settled in east, south and central england.
All the best
Tomi, why did you have to ask Peedee, about Leprechaun's ???
Getting back to the scientific findings ........ it's pretty simple really .....why is the Welsh bloodline pure? ....... because it's Wales
Cheers, boyo, I don't know whether to be flattered or insultedThat's us, the Welsh...quick to be insulted, quick to forgive,.....and....quick to leave when it's time to pay for a round