Looks well Ron. Have you done the shield yet?
Sorry to have asked Ron.No ,need more oven cleaner
Looking good Ron, Always liked this bust since I first saw the early release photos of it and am also the owner of one.
I take it you are using acrylics. What have you used for the metallics on the helmet? Very effective.
Well done, I would be very pleased with that finish.
Tommi it is all in oils and dried naturally
the hemet is a mixture of printers ink and sepia oil with a little crimson lake thrown in, the printers ink was given to me after I met an old modeling friend at the expo show in Glasgow whenever that was definitely pre mobile days it has been lying in a jar till my return to this hobby about April this year and I hope it lasts forever it is so fine in pigment and feels the weight of gold.
Tommi the flat finnish just bloody happened and I don't know how,Hi Ron
Yes I have some of this vintage gold printers in as well, must be close to 20 years old with a thick skin on top but it still does what it supposed to and has a deeper warmer look to it than the new stuff, still have enough left to outlive me , a very small amount goes a long way.
Great work on getting the flat finish on the oils.
Stu I really wanted that bloody hussar :lol:Nice one Ron, remember you pondering avidly at euro over this purchase.
Just waitin on the shield
Just paint it white and weather it to bits, you just cant go wrong. Historically correct and a great colour variation.
Lovely mate
Thanks for looking guys
Stu. look forward to the new one as well
Marc Van M thank you for your very kind comment
Cheers Ron