Celtic Standard Bearer


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Every time I do a large figure ( Lakota Sioux ) I usually have another figure on the side that I ake a few minutes with to get a break from the larger project. A few minutes here and there will eventually bring a figure towards completion. I started this figure back in October and basically put it aside after thanks giving to do the 120mm Lakota mounted figure for TLB.

I took a break today and snapped a couple of photos to show you where the "side figure" is at now.









Hopefully the Celtic Standard Bearer will be finished right after the Lakota and I will post the finished pics.

~All comments welcome ~
It's indeed looking very nice so far Guy. Thanks for sharing it with us. I can't wait to see more.

Hello Guy,

That is a superb looking figure you are doing "on the side". I hope to see it finnished soon.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate the kind words. I'll post more as I get the chance to work on him.
Thanks for the feedback Marc & Ernest.

Ernest~ I use bottled enamels by Floquil. The base coat is Gun Metal followed with a black wash. After drying I dry-brush the metal with Old Silver lightly.
BEAUTIFUL PAINTING,Guy (y) (y) (y) !!!! You must be REALLY focused to do such GREAT WORK for a "side" figure. WELL DONE,my friend ! Cheers.
Guy...... Guy....... Guy......
Picture a man looking like Wile E. Coyote after he's just been owned by the Road Runner.....

I think this is one of the best Celtic personae figures I have ever seen. I am very interested in learning how you did the fleece cloak. Will there be a SBS for this figure?

Hello Guy

What a nice figure. It going to be realy nice painted. I looking forward to see
your next step. You are very busy with painting.

Greetings Dick :)
Originally posted by renarts@Jan 16 2006, 08:58 AM
Guy...... Guy....... Guy......
Picture a man looking like Wile E. Coyote after he's just been owned by the Road Runner.....

I think this is one of the best Celtic personae figures I have ever seen. I am very interested in learning how you did the fleece cloak. Will there be a SBS for this figure?

Thanks for the feedback Peter and Dick. I appreciate the comments.

Mike~ The fleese was the easiest part with the hair detail already csulpted into the cloak. I base coated the fur with a medium gray acrylic then mixed a 4 to 1 wash and covered the fur. After drying I used a Meduium gray floquil enamel for the first all-over dry brushing followed after drying with a light gray to the upper folds with a final dry-brushing of floquil white to the very tops of the folds.

Hope this helps.

While on a 10 day vacation I was able to finish a 90mm Celtic Standard Bearer I had started many many months ago.






Any questions or comments are welcome.
Guy, once again you've don it! The fur, the pants, your metals...all spot-on! Nice stuff! It looks like the "vacation" did you some good! ;)

Jay H.
Nice one Guy...very nice to see all the different textures going on..they add a lot to an already interesting figure...
And your presentation is very attractive too.

All the best...Roy.
Really nice Celtic Guy,

Your base is spot on, and give's that figure just something more.
But i think (my neatpicking) that you must redo the eyes. I find them not so good as you ususal do. They seems popped up for me.
And if i.m wrong please correct me.
