Childhood Bubble Burst.


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The first time I saw El Cid was in the camp cinema at the Guards Deopt at Pirbright with my best mate Cid Lockwood we were aged 8/9 Cid a little younger. Towards the end of the film the shout goes up with the troops 'The Cid is dead' This is followed by a reply from my right that the whole Cinema heard. @ Oh no I F .... in aint. Im sitting up the back with Micky B. After the laughter had died down we were both clumped alongside the ear for swearing, followed by another clump from my dad next tea time after he got to hear about it.
Happy days

Would that be the old SKC up on the way to the assault course! :)

Would that be the old SKC up on the way to the assault course! :)


Sorry Martin I cant remember where it was located. I can remember the location of the NAFI on the other side of the main Rd, and the Garrison Church. and having to get the school bus from the married pads to Brookwood to the primary school.
Sorry Martin I cant remember where it was located. I can remember the location of the NAFI on the other side of the main Rd, and the Garrison Church. and having to get the school bus from the married pads to Brookwood to the primary school.

I still love that place, it's a shame to see what's happened to it.

Just what is so bad about COTLB? I seem to remember enjoying it (although it was some time ago). So the pants were the wrong colour, so what, I understand that Zulu is wrong in showing spotless white helmets, but that doesn't make it a bad film. The political sentiment of COTLB may be dated now, but wasn't it a film of the Reason Why book rather than the Director's own vision, hence the amount of time given to the Black Bottle affair? I used to get irate about accuracy in film but now tend to judge a film on it's own merits, spending all my ranting time on inaccurate documentaries instead, where it's more deserved.
I also hated the first COTLB film for throwing the charge in as an afterthought and for the bendy lances. I think it is a terrible film in all aspects but I suppose it thrilled audiences at the time despite that!
I also remember enjoying Son of the Morning Star (which if I remember right shared it's running time between Custer and Crazy Horse).
The good thing about inaccurate films is that they do prompt remakes - Waterloo anyone?
Hi David.
I don't think there is a so called historic film made that is 100% accurate Zulu included. The Charge is no different in that respect. I saw it when it came out when I was a child. Over the years I have always wanted to see it again and it never seemed to appear on the TV listings, (Now I know why.) The other day I got to watch it again. All I can say that it is 2hrs 7mins of complete and utter rubbish. Apart from the credits at the end. I dont know what the director had in mind or what his political stance was but IMO he missed. But each to his own.
Hi David.
The other day I got to watch it again. All I can say that it is 2hrs 7mins of complete and utter rubbish. Apart from the credits at the end. I dont know what the director had in mind or what his political stance was but IMO he missed. But each to his own.

Maybe I'm wrong defending this film as I haven't seen it myself for donkey's years, but I don't remember it being that bad, (maybe memory is better than reality) but as you seem to really have such a downer on it, I wanted to know why. Was it the anti-war mood, the misrepresentation of historical characters or events, or just poor acting?
I recently watched Far from the Madding Crowd (original) on TV and thought Terence Stamp looked really awkward although the film was fine. I also love Richard Lester's two 3 Musketeers films but find the anacronistic humour painful, I think some of the films made in the sixties to eighties suffer from miscast actors who were too Shakesperian lovey (Geilgud, Richardson) or just trendy at the time (Hemmings, York).
Makes me wonder what will we be saying about the Cumberbatchs and Pitts in another thirty years time?

I am an obsessive about the battle of Waterloo. I was relatively young when the Bondarchuck film came out and was blown away by it. It was as acurate as it could probably have been at that time and I did not realise that half the dialogue had just been been taken from attributed quotes unsubtly shoe-horned in (this is something that really grates with me now).
After decades of new research and having read literally dozens of books on the subject there is hardly a scene in the film which I can't criticise or refute, but you know what? I still enjoy watching it and I dip into the DVD regularly, as, together with Bondarchuck's War and Peace, they are still the nearest I can get to seeing a resonable approximation of the size and scope of a full Napoleonic battle.
I think its best said as a child I saw it as daring do, swash & buckle, Into the valley of death etc. I have since grown up to be a grumpy gray haired old git that could give Victor Meldrew a run for is money and watching it again I saw it for what it was Rubbish. Its a bit like Hornblower You can get lost for hours in those books, As for the TV series with that Gruffudd chap wouldn,t give it house room. To summarise I'M A GRUMPY OLD GIT

I remember ZULU in liverpool as well.. Mum went on holiday to Devon with her best friend who's sister recently won the Pools and bought a house down there. Best friends husband took me and their son to see the latest British blockbuster.. Loved it then and love it now..
How could anybody,Welsh or not fail to be stirred by Men of Harlech..
As for Charge.......a travesty.
As for childhood films..anything with George Pals name is gold...What he and harryhausen achieved was amazing.

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