I've spent the last 6 months making WWI aircraft and also doing a fair number of practice figures. I'm now back doing figures and I have several vignettes and dioramas that I will be working on over the coming months. This is the first one, which will be a bit of a test piece for some groundwork effects as well more painting practice.
This is a 1/35 Christmas Truce vignette from D-Day Miniatures:
It's a fun piece with nice animation although the sculpts have some rough edges and 1/35 is a real struggle for my eyes! But it was a gift from a fellow Planeteer so I felt I had to give it a try.
I replaced three of t he four hands on the two figures with Hornet and Figurinitaly replacements as the sculpting and casting was poor. I've done most of the Highlander so far, just got his kilt, socks and boots to do. Here's where I am with that:
There's a few rough edges and things I can improve on but I feel like I am progressing. And 1/35 is really small.....!
This is a 1/35 Christmas Truce vignette from D-Day Miniatures:

It's a fun piece with nice animation although the sculpts have some rough edges and 1/35 is a real struggle for my eyes! But it was a gift from a fellow Planeteer so I felt I had to give it a try.
I replaced three of t he four hands on the two figures with Hornet and Figurinitaly replacements as the sculpting and casting was poor. I've done most of the Highlander so far, just got his kilt, socks and boots to do. Here's where I am with that:
There's a few rough edges and things I can improve on but I feel like I am progressing. And 1/35 is really small.....!