Hi guys,
Thank you very much, I appreciate it a lot.
Hello Mjolner (sorru I'm writting this with an normal "o", that o with a bar isn't on my keyboard.
These days my skin painting is quite chaotic, but I'll try to describe it.
On the black primer I first start to sketch my highlights with titanium white (Schminke). Over this I apply 2 to 3 glazes of the following mix : equal parts of basic flesh (sc) and resurrection flesh (f&g) plus a dab of black (sc) and violet ink (si). Over this I applied another glaze of red leather (VMC) to warm up the skin a bit. Next I repainted the highlights with Titanium white, but on smaller surfaces then the first time, and all the shadows using black. Again a glaze with the basic mix was applied and if you find the skin a bit too cool at this moment, reapply the red leather glaze. Now I started to paint the highlights again but this time with a thinner layer of the basic mix but with more resurrection flesh this time. I keep increasing the resurrection flesh until I reach pure resurrection flesh. I then begin adding titanium white to the resurrection flesh to paint even lighter highlights. Shading was done with thinned down violet ink, second layer had prussian blue (R&D) added and for the third Black ink was added. And now starts the real fun. Around the eyes, the tip of the nose and the hollow of the cheeks a glaze of blood red (SC) and black was applied but only in the shadows. More black was added for the deep shadows. Over this a thin layer of blood for the bloodgod (GW) was added. To tie the red to the normal flesh I used a glaze of magenta ink (liquitex) was placed on the border between those two colours. at any moment during the painting, I sometimes added another glaze of the basic mix whenever I found an effect to strong. This doesn't have to go over the whole face, but can be used locally. Finally I painted the extreme highlights with thinned down Titanium white and the deepest shadow with pure black. again, if I found the effect too strong I went over it with a glaze of the basic mix, then re-applying the highlight/shadow but with a somewhat thinner version than previously. The 5'O clock shadow was done with a glaze of usa olive drab (VMC)
SC = scalecolor (scale 75)
f&g = Fantasy & gamecolor (scale 75)
SI = Inktensity (scale 75)
VMC = Vallejo Model Color
R&D = Rawler & Doney
GW = Games Workshop
I hope this has answered your question. If something isn't clear, just let me now and I'll try to explain.