WIP Confederate Infantry Officer from FeR


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Not much done today. Having glued the right arm on I thought it wise to run a brass pin through it to support what is otherwise an iffy joint
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- this was cropped off flush and the nib filed flat. The overcoat was then tried for fit, which it did. I may need to fettle it a shade to get the fit around the shoulders to be more snug.
View attachment 404892

I primed the body with matt white and when dry, airbrushed a base coat comprising 80% AV Air IJN Light Grey and 20% AV Air Russian AF Pale Blue. This gave a nice lightish grey shade with a hint of blue. I haven't decided on a top coat yet, but will aim for light grey with a touch of light stone, to give the impression of fading.
Here's the base coat:
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Next job will be to sort out the groundwork before I get on with the grey.

Yeah, don't know what happened there. Here they are (there are only three)
Conf body 1.jpg Arm pinned
Conf body 2.jpg Overcoat checked for fit
Conf body 3.jpg Grey/blue undercoat


Today I had a look at the base. Since split-rail fences seem to crop up regularly in ACW photos it was kind of a no brainer that I should fit one in. I use grey Miliput for all my base work - a goodly wodge was mixed and layered onto one of Pete's bases, slightly bigger than I would normally use, but giving room for the fence. The figure has large tabs on the feet which needed a reasonable depth of Miliput to get them to sit nicely. I cut some strips of balsa for the posts and rails, and used an electrical screwdriver to punch the rail slots through the uprights. The posts were temporarily planted into the base, with the rails pushed through. These will be glued, trimmed and painted when I dress the base.
Conbase 1.jpg

The base was set aside to cure, and I used the rest of the session to get some paint on the figure. I painted the trousers using a mix of AV Black Grey, Light Grey and Dark Blue, giving a dark blue-grey base colour. Deep shadows with AV Black and a touch of the base mix - highlights using more Light Grey in the base.
The boots I underpainted with a mix of AV Chocolate Brown and Black, to give a very dark brown. The box art shows black boots, but I'm going to go with dark brown ones. Our young Captain brought his own riding boots with him:)
Conbase 3.jpg

Next session, finish the boots and start the tunic. Thanks for looking!

Like the idea of the fence on the base. One thing I miss when painting busts is the lack of a scenic base. Boots are looking good too.
Ordered a 54mm figure to have a go at to see if I can cope, hopefully it will be here in a few days (not the chap in a kilt, I need to try something simpler first but I do want the chap in a kilt so I need to get this 54mm right)
Nice work on the base Phil! (y)


Thanks Ken!

Today's session involved finishing the base and making sure the figure fitted nicely. Here's the base as it will look at the end:
Conbase 4.jpg

For a single figure I think the rail fence is sufficient and not overwhelming, merely suggesting a location.
I also finished the figure's boots - in brown as I had decided they looked a little unique. Dodgyvision pics of the footwear:
Conboots 1.jpgConboots 2.jpg
From tomorrow it'll be grey all the way:D Thanks for looking in!

Hi Phil

Clever modelling on the base there ..nice touch

Like the choice of brown boots as well looking goid

Thanks for updates

Look forward to seeing the gray

Happy benchtime

Evening all.

Today was grey (including the weather!) I got the uniform painted using the following pallette (all Vallejo). Base coat Light Grey with a dab of Green Sky, to give a vaguely greenish grey. Shadow by adding a dab of Black Grey to the base, and highlight with base plus a smudge of Buff. Deep Shadow is Black Grey and top highlight is base plus Off White. I painted the sash too, again a mix of Vallejo including Carmine Red and Purple for the base with base plus a dab of Pink for the highs and Black Red for the shadows. Here's how it looked:
Conbod 1.jpg

Buttons were done using Vallejo Buff with a touch of GW Liberator Gold and a pinpoint highlight using Tamiya White.
I also did the cuffs using the blue mix from the collar, and added the "chicken guts" on the left arm with Vallejo Buff, highlighted with Buff/White and top highlight with the GW gold. I carefully delineated the braiding using Vallejo Game Colour Black Wash on a 10/0 brush. Here's the result:
Conbod 2.jpgConbod 3.jpg

Next session I will get the overcoat under way. Thanks for looking in(y)

Hi Phil

Much achieved in that session , nice detail work on the chicken

Buttons and cuffs look good as well

This is coming on really nicely and is going to look really good on the basework

Look forward to seeing more on this

Happy benchtime

Thanks again for the paint info, looking good(y) a 10/0 brush must be about a single hair :eek:

You'd have a job to shave with it:nailbiting:. I used to be an avid user of these tiny brushes but they don't last (not even the good ones) and they don't hold enough paint to do anything useful. Nowadays I just use them for tiny details and not much else, preferring 0,1 and 2 in point and rigger styles. Brushes are my big headache - I've tried them all from W&N Series 7s right down to the doghair specials. I'm using Pro Arte Sapphire and Prolene and just bought some Roubloffs off Amazon. They seem OK. Good brushes, good paint, good eyesight - the three keys!
