WIP Cpl John Prettyjohns VC (RMLI)


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Hi everyone

Cue the iffyvision pics of the base coats ...still to do the white which I will use a medium gray


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I will do the detail painting first , medals , badges etc then the flesh , tunic

Happy benchtime

Stay safe all

Hi folks

Couple of pics iffyvision of course !

All now base coated...hopefully all details will happen once I get going

Eyes done went for a slight light brown ..his actual colour isn't recorded as far as I can find

Going to put the right arm badge on a slightly darker patch don't think it would be individually put on ...welcome any thoughts

Happy benchtime

Stay safe




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Hello Nap! Currently doing the Sarnia version. I also wondered about the badge on right arm. It must have embroidered on a piece of cloth identical to coat and so doesn't show up well in the painting. The painter was probably a civilian and did not recognise the nuance of this and cut a corner! Scarlet is scarlet to him! It would have been very expensive embroidering direct on to a sleeve, especially if the owner was frequently promoted/demoted! Haven't got any factual proof, just a logical, gut feeling. Your version is starting to take shape. Love it, but as he is carrying a Walking out Cane, I would have gone for the Side hat as well!! Not too late!!!!!!! Cheers, Dubris
Hi Dubris

Hope we see your version he even as well

Ref the badge I agree looking at similar modern badges ie Drill Sgts /Warrant Officers the Guards which has the badge worked on a backing albeit not red

Side hat is a good idea ...one for yours though ...wanted to keep mine without to show off the hair style and close to the picture

Happy benchtime

Stay safe


Hi Nap,

Just seen this thread. Excellent work all round. Watch out Maurice and Carl - we have a new kid on the block.

Hi Nap,

Just seen this thread. Excellent work all round. Watch out Maurice and Carl - we have a new kid on the block.


Hi Chris

Nice to have you here ,my idea but Jimbo takes the credit for the main sculpt ...I added details .....working on this inbetween others !

Happy benchtime

Stay safe

Hi folks

Yes this is on the bench .....after finishing Bruno Bigeard I needed some colour !

Detailed up the actual medals ...tge Redcoat has a good solid colour using Citadel Mephoston Red and evil Sunz scarlet on it now ready for highs and lows

Iffy picture of the medals details ...painting will bring them out more ...working on the ribbons now


Happy benchtime one and all

Woooow, what a great and complex thread. I missed it, and only found it today, and it's amazing. As always, lots of information and background, great SBS procedure, lots of great work here. Hold it, it's awesome job :).

Cheers Borek :)
Woooow, what a great and complex thread. I missed it, and only found it today, and it's amazing. As always, lots of information and background, great SBS procedure, lots of great work here. Hold it, it's awesome job :).

Cheers Borek :)

Hi Borek

Great to have you look in ......and thank you for your comments

I will be relooking at the globe part on the badge in a moment ..not happy with last nights effort !

Happy benchtime

Stay safe
