Thank you one and all for the kind comments.
Here's another shot - from a different angle, still with a scenic background. These are some that I took myself locally, and what a problem it is to find suitable areas with no intrusion of "man made" articles. I was really wanting a selection that I could use with Celts etc, so roads, houses and telephone wires had to be out of shot.
I came up with some, but not many, had them developed ( yes I'm not digital yet ) and then scanned and blew them up into A4 through my computer.
As for close-ups, well, I'm still at the firework stage yet with this model - i.e. stand well back !
There'll be an article in Mil. Mod sometime, so I'll have to do some for that, but until then, one or two like this, maybe without the "noise" of the background, might have to suffice - sorry guys